Precognition – What Is It? Can Anyone Develop These Powers?

If you are someone who has always been interested in things that we cannot see and if you have always understood that there were things out there that defy our current understanding, you may very well be interested in precognition.

Precognition is the ability to sense or to know things before they happen and if you have ever experienced it, there is a good chance that it is fascinating to you. While some people can access it more easily than others, precognition seems to be something that all people are interested in.

Someone who has the power of precognition will see and know things that are going to happen before they actually occur in reality. They are so clear with their precognition or knowledge of the future that it can feel like the current moment for them. Their visions or knowledge of future events essentially feel like the current moment in their minds.

There is a great variety in what types of information and knowledge different people are able to learn through precognition. While there are some people who have the power to predict some of the most devastating and startling events to occur in history, most people pick up on little bits of information such as where each item might sit on their dinner plate before it is actually delivered to their table.

The times of day that people typically are hit with precognition flashes will also vary, but many people report it happening as they close their eyes to sleep.

So, why would most people have their precognition moments while falling asleep? It all comes down to the science of the mind. In order to learn the type of information revealed through a moment of precognition you need to be mentally open to it. While most people’s conscious mind will block out this knowledge, when they are going to sleep that conscious mind slips into sleep while the more open subconscious mind remains very alert. This creates a more open mental state where precognitive dreams can take place.

When you first start having moments of precognition it can feel very erratic and uncontrollable. The person experiencing the information or flashes of insight may have no control over when it occurs and they may feel unable to make the occurrences stop. It’s sort of like the sudden flashes of inspiration that an artist or novelist experiences. There are times they want that magic to happen but it simply won’t, and times when they want to turn it off but are unable to do so.

Yet, most artists and novelists are able to complete their work and summon up inspiration that brings out the magic in a more controlled, consistent manner. Those who really work with their powers of precognition are able to do the same thing, controlling their powers to work when they need them to and turn off when they need a break.

Most people have experienced moments of precognition without even realizing it, and chances are high these moments have struck in your own life as well. For instance, many people have found themselves thinking about someone in their life all the time just before something tragic happens to that person. That type of thing is often shrugged off as coincidence, but in fact it could have a lot to do with more sensitive areas of the mind picking up on precognitive information about what is about to happen. We just don’t recognize it as such when it is occurring.

Note that precognitive instances are forward looking, so they are very different from dj vu which is a sensation that you are reliving something that already occurred in the past.

There are many theories that have been put together to explain precognition. For instance, some people believe that linear time, time that travels in one direction, does not exists. We cannot perceive time the way that it is because of the limits of our five senses, but that in some cases and in some conditions, we can actually transcend the limitation. Other people see precognition as something that is a result of the cyclical nature of the universe.

Those with precognition powers are essentially able to move outside those basic senses to see things on new levels. Think about how exciting it would be to do that in your own life! If this excites you, consider finding out more about these powers and how they can actually benefit your daily life.

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