Steps To Experience Astral Travel

Astral travel is very interesting and more important concept. It is a complicated form of out of body experiences, researchers say. Definition shows, while astral travel or astral projection occurs, our astral body or spirits leaves physical body and wander anywhere in the universe seeking information. Once it completed mission, safely re enter to physical body and resume common bodily activities.

This phenomenon got wide attention because of religious supports from long back. In religious terms it knows as spiritual walking. However this phenomenon got enough scientific evidence today. Astral travel normally occurs when a body is about to death. Human soul will leave body and look down upon it when the physicians trying hard to save body.

Astral projection had been practiced in early centuries by religious practitioners and believers. But unfortunately, people lost belief in the concept on the time being. Holy books and spiritual legends in the past claim that they have created wonderful transformation in their life and gained mysterious information about universe projecting their spirits into the heaven.

Historic evidences tell that ancient people had used astral projection for multiple purposes. Old cultures such as Indian, Chinese, African and Egyptian were highly concerned about heaven, hell and other out of universe concepts. They experienced all those stuffs projecting their spirits to the destination they want to know.

You can gain this ability by constant effort and disciplined life style. Start yoga and meditation. Practicing meditation will improve your mind and shape your thoughts to direct them. Meditate daily for a little time; make sure that you are scheduling same time and duration every day.

Once you have good mindset and focus, 50 % of the job has done. You need not to be worried about retaining of your soul back to your physical body. You have full control over your body and spirit while it wanders universe. Next step is concentration to attain the stage.

While practicing, it is recommended to close your both eyes and take deep breathes. That will help you to lose connection from external materialistic world. Slowly and gradually, you will feel connection to darkness in your eyes and lead you to an outer world.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Fresh up your mind and convince it that your astral body is leaving your physical body. Gradually you will a kind of connectedness to darkness which surrounded you. You will feel certain images are flashing before your eyes. Focus on one of those images and brush aside rest. Tell your body your soul is about to leave. You may feel a kind of shivering. Don’t over exited or try to stop it. Encourage it and keep on your focus on that objects before your eyes.

Now, you will feel like you have lost half of your body weight and travelling up heaven. Astral projection is done.

The author Conran Beecham writes for the website. Discover the amazing experience of how to astral travel and you can try it yourself when you get twenty nine Free astral travel Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

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