How Helpful Are Your Carpal Tunnel Wrist Braces?

Have you ever seen these special carpal tunnel braces? They are somewhat of an expensive solution for patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Also, we often see poor compliance with using the device and as a result it is ineffective. I try to encourage individuals to take a look at the root cause of the issue which is postural imbalance or overcompensation in the body.

Carpal Tunnel Gloves: An Easy and Effective Method of Treating Symptoms

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a very painful, agonizing condition that millions of people suffer from every day. People who have careers or hobbies that involve daily use of their hands over long periods of time commonly suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Until recently, the only treatment for this condition included having surgery, getting steroid injections, or wearing huge, bulky arm braces that would hinder the use of the hands and wrists. Thankfully, carpal tunnel gloves are now available that can get a tremendous relief to hands and wrists, while still allowing free hand and wrist mobility.