What Exactly Is Free Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming refers to the ability to sleep and dream with the full awareness that you are dreaming. Thus, essentially it involves drifting away to the dream world by letting the body rest but being in a completely wakeful and conscious state of mind. It is an extremely difficult ability to develop and by free lucid dreaming, one refers to the free movement or high flexibility of one inside the dream for being able to do anything as desired.

Lucid Dreams – An Awesome Experience!

Did you know that there exist some kinds of dreams which you can actually control while being aware that you are dreaming? These dreams are known as lucid dreams. In such dreams you are dreaming but you can direct your dreams like a movie. You can decide the actors, the setting and even the story! You can even decide the dialogues!

The Magic Of Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are one of the most fascinating things which you can experience. These are dreams which you can take control and decide what will happen. In lucid dreams, you know that you are dreaming, which is why you are in charge of the dream; and anything that you want to make part of your dream is yours to have.

Is Conscious Dreaming Fact Or Fiction?

Also known as lucid dreaming, conscious dreaming is the state of being aware and in control while you are dreaming. That is to say, you know that you are dreaming while you are in the middle of a dream! When you are conscious that youre dreaming, you can control the events of your dreams.

Is It Really Possible To Lucid Dream?

If you are not yet familiar with the phrase, Lucid Dreaming is a relatively simple concept. A Lucid Dream is a dream where you are aware that you are dreaming, even while in the middle of it. The degree of lucidity depends on a few things ” how much control you can exert over events in the dream, how much of the dream you can remember upon waking and how stable the dream is.