Dream Lucid – What Is Dream Control?

Dream Control, or the ability to control your dreams is something that is crucially required or finds much importance in the subject of lucid dreaming. A lucid dreamer is that person who can successfully travel to the realm of dreams with full consciousness and a wakeful of mind. Thus, he only lets his body rest while his mind remains wakeful and focused and completely aware of its journey to the realm of dreams.

How To Lucid Dream For Beginners

Lucid dream is different from dreams what you have seen so far. You might have dreams in your middle of sleep and you simply remained a mere spectator of series of incidents that happens in a spur of moment. But here you can not only visualize incidents but also you can well aware of it. While this dream you will be in a state of between your sleep and awareness. If you practice lucid dream techniques you can not only dream lucidly but also control your dreams.