Lucid Dreaming – Is There A Shortcut?

Lucid dreaming, also known as conscious dreaming, is the ability for one to be aware that one is actually dreaming. In other words, if you have a dream and you’re actually aware of the fact that the events which are taking place are not really happening, but that it’s only a dream, then you’re having a lucid dream. Furthermore, one can also have a certain amount of control over a lucid dream which of course is not the case with a regular dream.

Is Instant Lucid Dreaming Really Possible?

Sometimes known as conscious dreaming, lucid dreaming is the art of keeping self aware and knowing that one is dreaming while in a dream. This includes being conscious that the events unfolding around you are only part of the dream and being able to exercise control over the dream. All of this is possible for the person who has learned how to use lucid dreaming.

Lucid Dreams – An Awesome Experience!

Did you know that there exist some kinds of dreams which you can actually control while being aware that you are dreaming? These dreams are known as lucid dreams. In such dreams you are dreaming but you can direct your dreams like a movie. You can decide the actors, the setting and even the story! You can even decide the dialogues!

Simple Ways Of Experiencing Amazing Lucid Dreams!

If you are not yet familiar with the phrase, Lucid Dreaming is a relatively simple concept. A Lucid Dream is a dream where you are aware that you are dreaming, even while in the middle of it. The degree of lucidity depends on a few things – how much control you can exert over events in the dream, how much of the dream you can remember upon waking and how stable the dream is.

Dream Control – The Truth

For most people, dreams are mysterious ‘mini movies’ that play in their minds while they’re sound asleep, seemingly without their control, with some being rather pleasant, and others, not so much. However, we now know that it is actually possible to make dream control a complete reality, bringing about what is known as lucid dreaming.

The Magic Of Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreams are one of the most fascinating things which you can experience. These are dreams which you can take control and decide what will happen. In lucid dreams, you know that you are dreaming, which is why you are in charge of the dream; and anything that you want to make part of your dream is yours to have.

Can Anyone Lucid Dream?

In simple terms, if one has a dream and they’re actually aware of the fact that they’re dreaming, then that is known as a lucid dream. In the context of dreaming, ‘lucid’ means being aware or conscious. The lucidity of a dream however can vary dramatically depending on the dream itself and how much influence you have in controlling the dream.