Do You Know What Mind Over Matter Means?

The phrase mind over matter promotes the theory that the human mind is more powerful than the body and it has the strength to influence any matter that it so desires. Thus, starting from basic concentration power, will power for self development to a bit more advanced like focusing away your mind to bear pain and till the extreme end of influencing or moving physical objects with your thoughts, all fall within the scope of the power of your mind.

Are You Ignoring Your Subconscious Mind?

Let’s face it; practically everyone in the world today is aware of the fact that they have a subconscious mind. In fact, when things go wrong in our lives, many people immediately place the blame on their subconscious mind. Unfortunately however, not many people seem to realize just how powerful the subconscious mind can be, and that it can be your best friend or your worst enemy, in that it is your subconscious mind which ultimately controls the way in which you live your life. Perhaps you are wondering what exactly is a subconscious mind, and why it’s essential for people to pay close attention to what the subconscious mind is thinking?

Exploring Your Own Mind Power

If there is something in this world which has huge potential but is so complicated that science in all its advancement has not been able to grasp its strength and scope in its entirety, is that of the human mind. It is said that normally man only utilizes 10% of his brain. That being the case, can you even think of the immense possibilities if one could control his subconscious mind and utilized 100% of his mind power? The word ‘miracle’ might well have disappeared from the dictionary.

Learn To Harness The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is easily the most powerful force on the planet and it shouldn’t be underestimated. Everything you do or say or think begins in your mind. When you can tap the power of the subconscious, that power can be manifested to your conscious mind.

Make Your Life Incredible – Start To Use Your Mind Power

Your mind is an incredibly powerful thing, and it’s actually a magnet to things that happen in your life. What you think and see is eventually what you’re going to attract. This is known as The Law of Attraction and is specifically the power of your own mind. Basically, the Law of Attraction says that, ‘As you think, so shall you be.’ In other words, if you think something is going to happen to you, eventually it probably will. You can make that work in your favor, because you can change your mind to the positive – but you have to think, envision, feel, literally embody it before it can happen. It’s going to take some practice to do this, likely, but that’s true of anything you’re going to get good at. Once you know how to use it, though, you’ll see that the power of your mind is just astonishing.

All Reality Is Merely The Power Of Mind

A commercial for the United Negro College Fund which aired frequently in the 1980s used the slogan ‘the mind is a terrible thing to waste’. We’re not talking about college educations here today, but this is a slogan which is absolutely true. Your mind has lot more power than you might think; and the power of the mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste. When you can access the power your mind contains, you can use it to change the world around you for the better.

The Unbelievable Influence Of Subconscious Mind Power

If you’ve ever seen the film Field of Dreams (or even if you haven’t), you’ve heard the phrase ‘if you build it, they will come’. Your subconscious mind power is what you want to build ” just think and what will come is anything you can envision.

Exploring The Power Of Subconscious Mind

The human mind is undeniably the most magnificent, and the most powerful thing in the universe, and the sheer power of the subconscious mind should never be underestimated. Irrespective what a person says or does, it all originates from the mind. In some cases, your actions are manifested on a subconscious level.