Understanding The Benefits Of Regression Therapy

Have you ever had the feeling that no one wants you? Perhaps you’re under the influence of an addiction? Do people pick on you? Are you always the victim? What about anger issues? Have you ever had a long term relationship, or something that actually lasted? Perhaps you’re at a point in your life where you seem to have everything you want, but there’s something missing that you just cannot put your finger on. If this is the case, then you might want to think about trying Regression Therapy.

Past Regression – Why It Is Vital To Your Future

More and more people these days are starting to believe in the possibility of reincarnation. With different techniques that help you to recall your past lives available, it can get tricky trying to choose the method that best suits you.

Five Awesome People To Have Been In A Past Life

When people talk about who they were in a past life, why is it always English, Roman or Egyptian royalty? Honestly, how many people do you think could be the reincarnation of Julius Cesar or Cleopatra? Don’t you think at least a few people used to be plumbers or investment bankers or something boring like that? We all like to think we were somebody important, but you know, there are many different types of “important”, and it’s not like reincarnation is reserved solely for famous rulers from thousands of years ago. Here are five people wouldn’t mind having been in a past life.

Learn How Past Life Regression Can Help You

The human soul, ego, and mind are mysterious subjects. Over the last twenty years there have been great advances in neurology but consciousness is still a puzzling topic. Where is the mind? Science cannot tell us. But we still want an answer; it is because of this that more of us develop interesting in spiritual and new age practices.

Your Current Life Between Lives

We have lived many lives before we reach in this lovely earth, many say. The strange and thoughtful concept was taught by many prophets and religious holy books. We refuse to believe theories like this more often because there are no mere scientific evidences that prove we are current living in life between many lives. But, there are many thousands claim that they have been getting scenes of their past lives and they can also explain our past.

Making Your Future Out Of Your Past Lives

Around the world, many people hold it on faith that we are not limited to one single life. Rather, we are born again and again, experiencing the world a little differently each time. It is a great comfort to realize that we have been here before and that we will be here again. Common sense, otherwise known as that little voice in the back of our heads, tells us that it must be true. This life is not all there is. And there are some easy ways we can explore our past lives to learn more about ourselves.

Past Life Secrets: Unlocking Your Mind’s Mysteries

Many people believe in the idea of reincarnation, which is about the thought that people had a previous past life and that past life is said to have been affecting the current life in terms of self soul searching. People from all over the world: Japanese, Australian aborigines, Africans, modern Wiccans and many other New Age religions, have a strong belief on this idea.

Past Life Regression Therapy For Children

Past life regression is quite common among young children. And usually children have a difficult time dealing with their paranormal experience and will need outside counseling. Therapy is used to help the child cope and understand the memories they experience. It helps them understand that nothing is wrong with them but instead they learn to live with and appreciate their unique abilities.

Past Life Regression, The Future And You

It is believed that only twenty-five percent of today’s population believe in reincarnation. With a low percentage of believers, this does not mean that it is true. Haven’t you ever felt pulled towards something, or a connection with something and you had no idea why? Ever have a talent you didn’t know where it came from? You know what I’m talking about and the answer may be as simple as it was something that was once important to you in your past life.

Why Is Past Life Regression So Beneficial?

There is no denying the fact that the belief in past life, or reincarnation, is prevalent across the board in almost every religion, from Christianity to Hinduism to Buddhism to Kabalah. And the interest of humans in knowing as much as possible about their past lives is also quite widespread. But how many of us are interested in knowing about our past lives in order to make a positive change in our present lives?