Optimum Yoga Practice Should Include Meditation

The stereotypical first thing that comes to mind when you think of yoga practice is bending exercises done by people standing on yoga mats and wearing leotards. While a large part of doing yoga means holding certain positions to build flexibility and muscle tone, there is another part that works with the breathing. This is meditation and even beginners have found extremely positive, healthy results from practicing meditation on a regular basis.

Yoga Meditation Helps You Connect With Your Inner Self

When thinking of yoga, stretching exercises often come to mind. But yoga meditation is also a part of the big picture, and the benefits can be just as positive as those derived from the physical exercises. Yoga beginners can focus on meditation before doing any of the physical exercises, or they can do them after or concurrently. It doesn’t really matter as the two can be quite independent of each other; however, you will likely experience greater benefits by doing the two concurrently, as there can be a great deal of overlap.