The Amazing Out Of Body Experience

The experience of our cognitive inner self or the soul separating from the physical body and floating at magnificent astral planes is known as out of body experience. This refers to our soul moving out of the earthly body and observing the world around and the physical body from the eyes of our innate self and experiencing something divine, special and unique in the real sense.

There are five stages to an out of body experience. They are withdrawal, cataleptic, separation, flexibility and return to the earthly body respectively after the end of the venture. These are the five stages comprising of moving out of the body, floating celestially and then returning to the physical body after completing this journey of a lifetime.

The first phase of out of body experience sees the human body showing the signs of rigidness and the physical body stops responding to any external impulses. It seems as if the body is asleep and will not show ant response to effects to stir it up. The sense organs during sleep stops responding and a similar situation happens in this stage.

The second cataleptic stage is when your body turns comatose. All your muscles turn rigid and a temporary paralysis sets in with your body not moving even a slightest inch now. But, though all sense organs have withdrawn, extra sensory perceptions open up in this phase and you feel sensations like tingling, shivering, later on intense vibrations, bright light and even sight through closed eye lids.

The toughest part of the out of the body experience is when the soul tries to separate from the body. The physical body generally tries to prevent the separation and any type of doubt or fear regarding the result of the astral traveling can prove destructive and is not something necessary for such an experience. Once we keep such anxiety while the soul is trying to separate from the body, the physical body will pull the soul back and the person will come back to the senses with a jerk. Thus the out of body experience will become impossible if the mind is filled with such thoughts. Hence we must be calm and relax while such practices are followed.

After moving forward despite the initial pull-back force, after you cross a certain distance, all such forces acting against you will cease to exist and you will experience free movement in this stage of flexibility of an out of body experience. Your movements are no longer restricted now, with a mind that is focused and a spirit that is free, your soul can gradually travel to higher layers of consciousness observing the world from a distance.

The out of the body experience ends with the returning of the soul to the physical body. The soul while leaving the body in the initial stages can be pulled back in a rather rough way. This happens if the mind is filled with feelings of fear and anxiety about the consequences of the out of the body experience. However without such inhibitions the return become swift and the individual will ultimately awake up feeling the whole thing as something out of the world.

The out of the body experiences can be made a reality through mental, technological and chemical methods. In case the procedure is mental the individual needs to follow advance techniques of meditation achieve the feat. The technological methods involve charging up our mind through waves of certain forms such as electro-magnetic or sound and in case the method is chemical the individual is given drugs that create hallucinations and hence take him or her to a dazed state to have such an experience.

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