The Forgotten Powers Of Telepathy

Telepathy means ‘feelings over a distance’. Telepathy is the direct transmission of emotions or mental imagery from one person to another without using words, sight, hearing, touching, tasting, or smelling.

Telepathic communication is therefore communication on another level entirely. Indeed, many animal trainers and scientists researching the ways animal communicate have become convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that animals are using telepathic communications in addition to other means of reaching each other, and sometimes their telepathic communications extend over vast distances.

Groups of primitive cultures have been thought to have telepathic abilities. Some of the more aboriginal tribes of today are said to still be engaging in some sort of telepathy.

There are many common cases of telepathy, though it is still considered by some to just be witch craft or that telepathy does not exist at all. While the reality is that one can learn this ability as one learns other aspects of human life such as writing and talking to one another in a way that is comprehensible. If we have problems with these tasks, we do not say they do not exist because we can not learn them, we just adapt our learning to circumvent the block or problem that causes the learning disability.

One of the abilities it is thought we had as humans long ago was telepathy, but that has evolved out of our consciousness. It is felt that this sixth sense was as normal as the other senses.

Telepathy is in fact linked with the ‘sixth sense’, sometimes referred to also as the ‘third eye’. These two things are not exactly the same thing, but telepathic powers come from that same second nature of human beings and animals.

Many experience telepathy with out even knowing what it is. Do you ever get the heebie jeebies and do not know why? That can be a form of telepathy know as intuition. Have you ever changed a constant routine just because you have a weird feeling about taking your normal route just to find out an accident had happened where you were supposed to be traveling and at the same time as well. This may leave you to wonder if you may have been involved had you kept to your regular route. This is your intuition speaking to your, or your telepathy that there was potential danger.

It may be wondered by some when did we stop having more profound telepathy as opposed to intuition. More formalized religion can surely take some of the blame. Most forms of structured religious beliefs do not adhere to the fact that telepathy exists, instead it is assumed and associated with darker cultures. This gives the common man a fear of what telepathy can do that may be evil.

Because of the nature of these older religions and the stigma of telepathy, it is hard for some to have any thoughts of telepathy even truly existing. The only faith any more is in specific religious leaders or prophets instead of putting faith in themselves as people.

But this does beg the question, why would religions come to be so distrustful of telepathy in the first place? The answer is likely to lie in the power hunger of so many religious ‘leaders’ and authorities who don’t want their own alleged divine powers challenged by telepaths. Of course, not every religious leader is like this, but too many are and have been throughout history.

With our new scientific age, scholars scoff at the thought of telepathy. It can not be explained in a way that makes sense so it does not exist. Because we do not use our other five senses to access telepathy, the theory is that it can not be a true sense as we know it. The fact there is a plethora of data to prove that telepathy does exist does not matter to those who choose to close their eyes to the facts.

It is hard to explain why there is no scientific belief in telepathy. Other senses can be felt by every human being, yet telepathy is only well known to just a small portion of the world. But even with the proofs in place, some will just refuse to believe or even contemplate the existence of telepathy. Some other things that require a trust in a sense to believe in are widely accepted, such as animal instincts.

Whether scientists choose to call it instinct or just refuse to believe because they do not experience it themselves is mute, the point is it just because you do not feel it does no mean it does not exist.

It is hard to say when we humans became bereft of our natural telepathy. Perhaps the gods decided that we no longer needed it.

The author E Lucas Cox writes for the popular site. It is natural for everyone to experience telepathy and you can try it yourself when you find out the real hidden secrets of telepathy when you visit here.

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