The Lucid Dream Guide For Newbies

The lucid dream guide is for the amateurs and it undertakes to guide these people in the ways of lucid dreaming, where a person can dream, fully conscious of the fact that he/is actually in the realm of dreams.

Of course, there are the usual beginners FAQs for those who wish to take up the lucid dream guide. You have to know what exactly lucid dream is or how does it happen or is there any induction process to bring forth lucid dreams or not. You may also want to know if there are any sort of fear if you go on with this process or if there are any tips to overcome the fear, the myths on lucid dreams if any and any other details.

It should be kept in mind that a lucid dream guide starts by explaining the phenomenon, and secondly, the reasons behind its popularity. Suppose a person, fully conscious in his mind, passes into the world of dreams. Therefore he can go anywhere in his dreams and do anything influencing his dreams. When you know that you can do anything without getting hurt in real life, it obviously makes u feel good and it is the main reason why lucid dream guides are in great demand by the people.

Since a lucid dream guide should basically talk about how it is to be achieved or induced, the first thing to be said is that making meditation a part of your life is the best thing that one can do. This gives you more control on your subconscious mind and helps when you try to make your body sleep while keeping your mind wakeful, alert and focused.

Secondly the process involves lying down in comfortable clothing in a calm dimly lit room so that your body can relax and go to sleep while at the same time meditating to keep your mind wakeful and focused. Thereafter, visualize strongly that you are floating out from your body or use the help of a prop like a rope to see yourself climbing out of your body if required, to pass into the realms of dreams consciously from the state of wakefulness.

The only fear in lucid dreaming is that of nightmare, when the monstrous beast looms up to attack you. The problems mainly are with maintaining the lucidity of the dream itself since people find the dream setting fading away and tend to loose their grip if they cannot make themselves to do something in the dream according to their will. For all these reasons, lucid dreamers tend to loose the lucidity and wake up altogether.

A lucid dream guide would fail miserably if it fails to underline the main weapons to overcome problems regarding its practice. These two tools are therefore those of, dream spinning, where the dreamer has to rotate, standing on one place, and also verbal affirmations where the person has to constantly tell and urge himself to dream exactly what he wants. By using these two techniques a person can change the setting of his dreams from even a nightmarish situation.

Lastly, a lucid dream guide should aware a reader regarding the common myth surrounding this phenomenon. Many call this entire act to be an escapist behaviour since it provides a way to escape from life. But as a counter argument it can be concluded by saying that even if reading a book may be termed as an act to enter another world different from reality, lucid dreaming cannot be put under this, as it does not take out time from one’s normal life since it occurs at a time when the person would have been sleeping and dreaming anyways.

The author Mickael Bullen writes for the site. Discover the amazing experience of a lucid dream guide for yourself and get twenty nine Free lucid dreaming and Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

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