The Most Critical Causes Of Anxiety

Anxiety truly can work as a positive reinforcement but most of the time; this can bring trouble into a person. The trouble come into the scene when there is an exaggerate anxiety, worry, and stress without any reason at all. People who suffer from this can find themselves always bothered by certain affairs in life-either it’s because of money, health, family, or work. The problem here is that the anxiety is caused by unrealistic factor which should not be the case since there is no reason at all why to worry events that are not for real. Now for you to stop yourself from worrying this kind of problem, it is a must to orient yourself about the causes of anxiety.

Researches disclosed the undeniable fact that there’s no single cause for anxiety which implies that there are plenty of factors that may basically play altogether to make a contribution to the issue. To get you thru all these causes of anxiety better, they were split into 3 groups which include the following :

Brain Biochemistry it’s the neurotransmitter that manages the thoughts and feelings of folk. But there are times when problem may happen to the message carried by the brain explaining why chemical disequilibrium occurs. Among the primary neurotransmitters which may affect the feelings of an individual are dopamine and serotonin.During periods when there’s a disequilibrium, it is probable that somebody gets depressed and even concerned.

Genetics- It is true that anxiety actually runs among family so one of the causes of anxiety is genetic. For this reason, if one of your family member or relative suffered from anxiety then it is very likely that you will get through such stage as well. This is observed that when children grow in a family which is surrounded by fear and anxiety then such children will try to emulate the anxious feelings into their lives as well.

Due to battle and Flight Reaction- during periods of danger, an individual will just need to do 2 things which include to battle or to escape. This same mechanism is also the one which creates the heartbeat rate to extend as a method of the body to prepare itself to threatening situation.

Now that you know the causes of anxiety then it will be easy for you to find the option you can use to help your body fight the problem away.

To get more information about causes of anxiety, visit our in-depth review at Review of The Linden Method.

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