The Particular Fascinating World Of Pilates Exercises

Yoga can rightly be termed as the true varied form of physical and mental exercise. The different types or forms of yoga exercises have been formulated so as to deal with persons of all ages and all kinds of physical and psychological trauma. This is the reason why a type of yoga tones your muscles while other helps you to lose weight. It depends upon you to choose the right variety of the yoga forms so as to attain your coveted personal growth and improvement. For that reason you can take help of professional and proven yoga experts. As a strong alternative you can focus upon the below cited list to get a preview of the different types of yoga exercises.

The different types of yoga have been integrated and developed based upon different factors like poses and postures linked, aim of the specific yoga exercise etc.

The Bhagavad Gita, which is a initiating book in the Hindu religion, has typified yoga exercises into three prominent types:

1. Bhakti Yoga: This form of yoga is based around devotion. 2. Karma Yoga: This form of yoga is based around action. 3. Jnana Yoga: This form of yoga is based around knowledge.

Now we can take a quick look at the different types of yoga exercises which are popular among the modern-day yoga practitioners.

1. Hatha Yoga: Hatha is an merger of 2 syllables. They are “Ha” and “tha”. Here “Ha” means “sun” and “tha” means “moon”. This type of yoga exercise is slow and perfect for the starters who are unaware of any other kind of positions of yoga exercise.

2. Ashtanga Yoga: This kind of yoga makes use of eight virtual limbs. It’s a fast in pace style of yoga. The sets of postures are simultaneous with the breath for maximum effect. This form of yoga exercise improves your flexibility, stamina and strength.

3. Power Yoga: This form of yoga is a variation of the Ashtanga Yoga. The western practitioners have given birth to this kind.

4. Iyengar Yoga: This type of yoga exercise centres around the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar and chiefly focuses on the proper alignment and form of the body.

5. Vinyasa Yoga: Here the emphasis is given on breathing. Sun salutation starts this form and later it revolves around more complicated stretching. It is quite fast paced. A counter position exists for each posture for balancing purposes.

6. Bikram Yoga: Bikram Yoga or Hot yoga is practiced in a room heated to 1050 Celsius and with a humidity of 40%. 26 positions are there in this form of yoga. To lose weight Bikram Yoga or Hot yoga is the best option.

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