The Past Life Reincarnation Dilemma

Many people thing that with the New Age religions that are coming out past life reincarnation is something new. This is nothing of the sorts. Just the opposite is true. This idea that you were once something else and are now this human form has been around for quite some time. It started with the idea of Buddha.

Buddhists and Hindus are major believers. The Chinese who are Buddhist actually have a calendar. You look up the year in which you were born and that tells you what you were in your past life. For instance with myself being born in the year 1984, I would have been a rat in my past life. Pretty interesting don’t you think?

What this means is when one person dies they morph into a whole new image. You could have been anything, you could become anything. That is how powerful this is. Some think this is great. The life they have lived during the present didn’t meet their expectations. Therefore, they took great pride in starting over.

While some think this is an absurd idea and find it a little scary, people of these cultures find it a great thing. For many of them, it’s a peaceful thing. It does not scare them. For some, it’s a second chance. They thrive on knowing that the mistakes they make today cannot and will not pass on into another life which comes after this one.

Some who are a bit skeptical about past life reincarnation would like to know if they were someone else in a past life. This is quite a normal question. Since half of those who believe that they were someone in a past life are in their mid twenties they might find themselves a bit confused. When talking with those who are believers they have said that they knew that they were someone else in a past life as they found they had talents that they never knew were there. They don’t remember being able to do this or that.

The way they say that you know if you have this trait is that one feels it. They say that you can feel this inside yourself. They will tell you that most of the time you will know because you will have the ability to do something. They say that you might not have known you can do this before it will just jump out at you just like that. That’s how you will know.

For those who do believe, they commonly find that those who meditate can often remember as to who they were in a previous life. This is just a tip for those who feel that they do believe in this concept, but who might not necessarily remember what it was they were or the previous life in which they lived. For some people, their religion will help with this, if not there are tutorials out there that cna help you with such a task of remembering.

One cannot say that you were this in another life. Only you will know for sure if you were and if so what you were as it relates to past life reincarnation. For some, they have been found that they have been blessed and have used this to help the world. Others have said it’s just a farce and have shrugged any thought of it from their mind. The choice is yours just as it always has been. Sometimes it’s harder to believe in this than one could imagine.

Alistair Macdonald is a writer for the website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of remembering your past lives for yourself and get thirty Free in past life regression Audios and Videos when you visit here.

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