The Power Of The Mind Creates Your Reality!

Not all people realize that mind power can actually help bring positive changes to one’s life. You may not realize it but you are actually using it in your everyday life. The power of the mind influences all aspects of your life. While it commands you body to function, it may also command positive energies to bring positive changes in your life.

Whenever you dream and desire for things in your life, if you wanted it so bad, it just seem to magically happen. As you go to bed and fall asleep hoping for things like salary increase or recovery from a disease to happen, you often find yourself waking up with that thought in your mind actually happening in your life. This is a classic example of your subconscious mind power at work.

Scientists referred to quantum physics to explain on the link between the thoughts in our mind and reality. They explained that reality is in fact a product of our own mind. Mind power creates our reality!

Eastern religions have demonstrated the power of meditation and mind power for centuries. With their definition of reality, real things were believed to exist because we have imagined it.

It seems rather ironic that in this so called ‘enlightened’ age of ours, our scientists are looking at historical scrolls and texts to find out the true nature of reality!

It ancient literatures have confirmed that reality is actually a product of our thoughts in our minds; we can presume that we can make major changes to our reality with our mind power.

To do that, we need to first establish mental conditioning. Unnecessary and irrelevant thoughts must be separated from our hopes and dreams. Through meditation, you can effectively clear out your mind and start fresh.

Sit in a darkened room in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and start deep breathing exercises, breathing in through your nose, out through your mouth. This take a few minutes, and you may feel a little light headed. Don’t worry, this is because of an increase of oxygen in your system and completely normal.

Start by picturing in your mind that you are sitting in front of a tranquil pond, full of small pebbles. These pebbles represent every day thoughts and ideas that are constantly entering and exiting your head. Picture yourself removing these random thoughts one by one, clearing them out. Once this is done, you are ready to unlock the power of the mind. One the one side you have a pile of these random thoughts, on the other you have another pile with wishes and wants.

Don’t have wishes for impossible things like world peace; these are relatively unreachable by one person alone. You can wish that you can help the planet by recycling or other things. For example, you can wish to find a dream job, one that you will enjoy, but be specific about what you want.

If you happen to be experiencing troubles in your relationship, you can hope to be a better communicator so all your issues will be settled. But although mind power can never bring your partner communicate with you, you can use it to influence his thoughts and improve yourself.

But while mind power can bring positive changes into your life, it may not happen right away. Some things take time to happen. For instance, you need time to develop and unlock the power of the mind and overcome all your negativity.

Although the power of the mind is powerful enough to help you live your ideal self and ideal life, it still needs you to do your part. Hoping to work out a relationship without extending effort to actually talk with your partner will not make things any better. You have to remember, while your mind has the power to improve your life, it needs you to direct how those changes will ever come about.

Janice Stokes is a writer for the website. Discover the amazing experience of using mind power for yourself and get twenty nine Free power of the mind Binaural and hypnosis mp3 Audios and Videos when you visit here.

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