The Truth And Myths Of Astral Projecting

If a person has the power or ability to break away the shackles of his physical body and travel to higher realms of consciousness in his free spirit or astral body self, the ability and the action thereof is known as astral projecting. Hence, this calls for attaining a deep trance condition through meditation in order to gain control over your sub conscious.

The art of astral projecting is all about separating your spiritual inner self from your physical body and making the former advent to an experience of a life time. This experience which only a few handful people are lucky enough to enjoy, is one which changes the person forever. He attains a much higher level of spiritual awareness with an improved and developed perspective towards aspects such as life, death, reality or relationships.

Astral Projecting has its roots in all ancient cultures of our world across geographical boundaries and religions. Starting from the ancient practices and beliefs of China, Egypt, India, to western philosophies and bible in the most recent context.

In Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations of the world, the concept of soul or ‘ka’ existed. The ‘ka’ was believed to be immortal, trapped in the physical body, which had the power to move out and travel to other ethereal realms. It is infact for this very reason that their bodies were anointed and preserved so that it could travel to the next world along with ‘ka’ after death.

Coming eastwards to India, secrets of astral projecting and actual experiences of the same can be found in the ancient religious scriptures of Hinduism. Known as one of the most spiritually advanced philosophies in the world, it has always believed the concept of soul to be an omnipotent, immortal force of energy residing within the physical body of every man having the full power to do and go as it desires if its true potential is harnessed and mastered.

In ancient Chinese philosophies, astral projecting finds place within all the alchemic practices thereof. Essentially it involves breathing techniques for drawing in energy in a small pearl which is thereafter circulated to form the required energy body for astral traveling from that of the physical body of the individual.

The topic of astral projecting in the light of the western philosophies, starting from the classical philosophies through the renaissance thoughts till the more modern theosophical beliefs consists of the concept of astral body as being the link between the soul and the physical body, the astral plane being the platform between Earth and heaven. In the bible also, astral projecting finds its mention where the popular belief is that the physical body and the astral body is linked with an illuminated silver energy cord similar to that of the umbilical cord. So when a person leaves his physical body and ventures out, he is still connected to it providing a sense of security.

Thus, whatever the belief and whatever the practice in different religions over different transitions of time, it can be seen that astral projecting has forever been in vogue. Believed in different concepts and achieved in separate practices, it is that journey of one’s inner soul that can be attained by each and every human. The key to its lies in meditation, being aware of one’s subconscious and gaining a certain amount of control over it in order to project it outside for this one in a life time experience.

Peter Escobar is a writer for the website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of astral projecting for yourself and get twenty nine Free astral body projection Audios when you visit here.

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