tibetan yoga

Never seen before yoga from tibet. Seems to be a method to expel trapped gases in stomach and to speed up excretion of waste in the intestines.

Learn how to do a Seated Forward Fold Pose in this free online video on yoga exercises for beginners. Expert: Samantha Raphael Bio: Samantha Raphael, RYT has been practicing Yoga for eight years and teaching for three. Filmmaker: Samantha Raphael
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. @eshdan
    Its from Yogis of Tibet. If you Search on “Yogis of Tibet” you will see it on youtube as

    “Tibetan Buddhism: Secrets of the Yogis of Tibet”
    (in 8 parts)

  2. @nycballer4life is not the german flag!… that color is not black…. is a kind of dark blue..

  3. @poidsfi Haha, well you have to remember they only eat veggies which doesn’t really lend itself to building muscle due to a lack of creatine, protein, and other nutrients essential to building a quality physique.

  4. @guitarobsessed85 , dude, I have nothing against Yoga, just want to see a more ripped guy demo this 🙂

  5. @poidsfi One can use yoga to improve endurance strength. Power can be improved through explosive exercise as well as sprints. None of these need a gym 🙂 The length of the amortization phase (the phase transitioning between the concentric (muscle shortening phase) and eccentric phase (muscle lengthening phase under tension)) is one of the most important factors in generating power so I don’t know why you would say this would make one “better at amortization phase” but not affect power.

  6. @SuperTutorialKing , dude, I have a master in exercise science, there are two factors determine power: size x nerual response, do you know the difference btw eccentric strength and concentric” strength?? this bullshit exercise trains none of these, and at best make you better only at amortization phase of a movement, if you love to do cult meditation, this is for you. Exercise? better sweat your butt at local GYM.
    Do learn something before you open your big mouth and criticize others.

  7. @poidsfi This obviously comes from an immature mind.
    If you have some basic knowledge in Exercise Science, you’ll know the ability of contracting the muscle is not related to the size

  8. That looks like it could get rid of some serious gas. Unfortunately I would most likely hurt myself doing this.

  9. @8BitFox your not its much better to be loose and relaxed and not all stiff and gammy and tense like this woman. a lot more of your muscles are proboly relaxed so you’d find it easier than a stiff person

  10. This is stupid. The only reason that i looked this up was to sneak into forest lawn. lol jk! I don’t have to sneak in.

  11. lol i managed to touch ma toes cos av got long arms so its an unfair advantage lol bt still felt realy good afterwards :O i did start to feel some pain in the back of my leg after like 2 secs! bt got better,..plus i cudve sworn i cud seen a faint electrical current or surge or something between my fingers bt unsure..probs from the fact that am as flexible as a stick and avent stretched ma body from a while so gettin dizzy lol.anyway hope u put up more beginner vids ur a fitty! lol 😉 😀

  12. I like this pose. If you are serious about wanting to do yoga, you have to start somewhere. If you haven’t done this before, why would you think you could do it as far as Samantha?? on your first try.

  13. Yeah I haven’t stretched in forever and thought about trying this.

    I was like “oh…fuck” as I tried doing this. -_-;; Oh well, I’ll still keep at it.

  14. lol i tried the fist position ,started leaning forward n i was like yeah no thi isnt gonna work lol ciggy time =P

  15. no. that didnt work, i have been in pain for ages coz of this thing!!!! dont post any more your vids r stupid and so r ur moves

  16. expert village is so shoddy. you should see their cooking videos. i dont think they even know how to cook.

  17. you think every woman is hot, cuz youre a guy. a real sophisticate who would fuck a pig if he was in the mood.

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