Truth About Yoga Awakening Kundalini And Chakras

Kundalini Yoga : A system involving yoga postures and meditation has been created by Indian mystique Patanjali. Kundalini Shakti has been described even by other non secular leaders.

Kundalini is the imperative force fire which when ignited like a latent spark in the pyre of vital force ( i.e. The jennies ), pierces the 6 worlds and reaches the 7 th sector of Brahmaloka. Kundalini, by activating earth in Mooladhar, fire in Svadhishthan, water in Manipur, wind in Anahat, space in Vishudhi you give light to the mind in the Ajna Chakra.

What exactly is this Divine Serpent Power or Kundalini? Re this scriptural scholars and great seers / saints, on the basis of their experiences have put forth many precepts.

The Divine Serpent Power generates energy in macro form as far as the cosmos is worried and micro as far as an individual living being is troubled.

Chakras : When that idle energy starts rising, a disciple would feel the flow of energy going upward. The six Chakras are also called the 6-fold wealth. In spiritual science it is known as Sham ( psychological control ), Dama ( sense organ control ), Uparati ( dispassion ), Titiksha ( forbearance ), Shradha ( faith ), Samadhan ( concentration ).

In the Manipur Chakra it shines like electricity. In the Nabhi Chakra it is similar to the light of lightning.

Awakening : Awakening of this latent energy would make us experiencing the infiniteness of universe. Recently without doubt the divine existence of Kundalini Power has been accepted yet in the scientific arena there are some scientists who describe it as a form of one’s bodily potential.

In the higher arena of the Sahasrar Kamal of Kundalini dwells the intellect, thinking process, discrimination, attention, idealism, self control, love, faith, good will, committed nature and so on.

They think that Kundalini Yoga is an attempt to build a bridge of communication between our physical body and refined body.

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