Understanding The Remote Viewing Methods

You may choose any number of different remote viewing methods in order to be able to view that which you would be unable to perceive with your physical senses. Remote viewing is all about your own mental power and many who have tried it before say that it feels somewhat similar to astral projection. However, the two practices are different things entirely.

Remote viewing is a natural ability which is latent in every human being. When you learn to use this talent, you can view objects which you would not ordinarily be able to see from where you are.

Remote viewing methods and indeed remote viewing itself are often considered to be farfetched ideas. As it happens, though, remote viewing is no more outlandish than say, the ability to speak or to walk on two legs.

It’s remote viewing, whatever you prefer to call it.

When someone receives a mental image or a signal with no one having sent it, we call them a clairvoyant. When one person sends such an image and another receives it, we call it telepathy. When a parent feels that their child is in danger even at a great distance, we usually just shrug and say that it’s some sort of parent-child bond.

The point of it all is to be open minded enough to enhance your senses of perception. You can also enhance your mind, body and soul in various other ways by being receptive to new ideas that maybe older than time and space as we know them to be.

What Is Involved In Various Remote Viewing Methods?

Learning to remote view begins with getting into the proper mental state. You’ll need to have already practiced your inherent psychic abilities or learned some meditation and visualization techniques to reach the state of relaxation needed for remote viewing.

Meditation and guided visualizations can be effective remote viewing methods; these techniques help you to focus your mind on the person, place or thing you’d like to be able to view. Like developing any skill, this does take some practice, so be patient and stick with your efforts to learn.

There are also aids you can use to help you develop your ability to remote view. These resources include books and audio recordings.

You’ll probably want to try out several different remote viewing methods to see which work the best for you. What works perfectly for one person may not at all for you and vice versa.

Learn to trust your instincts. While learning to use this psychic ability, you may see images which you can’t make sense of. Just let these images come as they may ” they’ll become clearer the more you practice and some images which make no sense to you now may later on.

You’ll generally have the best results when you start off with the smallest of steps and progressively build on what you have learned. You may want to start off with just a few easy to visualize, clear images to use as your remote viewing targets. Use photographs or illustrations.

Place these graphics in an envelope and seal. Then you can use them to practice and test your abilities. Make sure you record your practice and testing sessions in your remote viewing journal.

Be patient and keep with your efforts. No one is able to remote view perfectly at first. As long as you stick with it and practice regularly, you’ll progressively improve and soon you’ll be remote viewing with the best of them.

The writer Adam G Lake is a writer for the popular http://www.remote-viewing-info.com site. Discover for yourself how easy it is to learn the remote viewing methods. Find out never before revealed secrets. Anyone really can learn remote viewing find out how by visiting here and get 29 free remote viewing mp3 audios!

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