Understanding What A Clairvoyant Reading Really Is

Clairvoyant reading is an activity where a psychic clairvoyant reads another individual by seeing his/her aura or energy field. That is, the clairvoyant has the gift of extra sensory perception by which he/she can perceive the energy field or aura emanating from another person thereby seeing that individual’s past life, aspects of his personality or future events of his life.

Clairvoyant reading thus refers to a psychic clairvoyant person reading another individual’s energy field or aura which cannot be perceived by others so as to comment on the person’s past, life situation, personality, future events like career, love life, finances, etc.

Prevalent since the ancient age, clairvoyant reading has been known to be of much interest to people since it has the inherent ability to foresee and comment about someone’s future. Since future prediction is something that men have always been interested in, clairvoyant reading has been sought for since then till today’s World Wide Web era. If you take some time out and surf the internet, you will come across hundreds of websites claiming to provide accurate clairvoyant reading of your future. In most cases, online clairvoyant reading is done through the tarot cards.

In case of clairvoyant reading through tarot cards, the pattern of selection or arrangement of these 2 deck of cards goes on to predict the future of the person in question. While the Major Arcana deck is about big life changing events, the minor arcana reads details about emotions, mind, body and spirit in the immediate future of the individual.

Though clairvoyant reading through tarot cards are the most common online, it must be said that actual clairvoyant reading involves ‘seeing’ or actual ‘visualization’ and not any interpretation of cards. Thus, predicting the future through astrology, which involves astral projections, or numerology, which includes mathematical calculations, cannot be termed clairvoyant reading since ‘visualization’ is not involved in these cases.

A clairvoyant simply gets a vision by seeing a person or his picture and sees and perceives certain things from the energy field or the aura emanating for that person. Moreover, once you personally meet an actual clairvoyant, chances are that he/she will know you much more then you yourself do. Hence, a bonding of friendship between your clairvoyant reader should be a common thing. Not only perceiving you as the person you are, seeing your past and commenting on your future, he/she will also be empathetic and would help you in tiding over any crisis or sad situations that you might meet in the near future. In this way clairvoyant reading is not merely about going to a psychic person and paying some money to foresee your future, rather it is the start of a lifelong friendship which will give you more understanding about yourself and guide you in the tough times of your life.

There are no such well defined psychic tests that grade a clairvoyant reading ability. This is because such readings greatly differ depending upon the kind of energy being emanated from the individual at that point of time. Needless to say, a psychic power such as this has its share of cynicism where people claim it to be more of a guess work or the work of fraudsters.

But all said and done, clairvoyant reading is something that has been in existence since the shamanic times and extensively used during the cold war days and can be a one in a life time experience for an ordinary person.

The writer Julie Durdel writes for the develop-clairvoyance.com website. Discover for yourself how easy it is to learn to give a clairvoyant reading. Find out never before revealed secrets. Give your own clairvoyant reading find out how by visiting here and receive a Free Become Clairvoyant DVD video and audio package!

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