There Is Sometimes Indication That You Lived In Past Life

Followers of Hinduism and Buddhism all over the world are firm believers in reincarnation. It sounds like a good explanation of how so many souls will eventually fit in the space called heaven or the afterlife. Were you alive in a previous time? Do you wonder who you may have been in past life? Reincarnation would explain a lot and answer a lot of questions.

Never ridicule anyone’s religious beliefs. The truth is, no one can prove or disprove the existence of God until they die. There are more individuals who believe in reincarnation than don’t. It sounds practical and is a harmless exploration to think about.

A deja vu experience is a fairly common experience. Walk in to a room and get a chill up and down your spine. It looks very familiar. It just feels as if you’ve been in the room before. Was this building here long enough for you to have visited it during a past life? Or, were you simply here as a small child too young to remember until now?

If you are having problems in your current life, you may seek a therapist. There is a therapy for so many of life’s problems. Rational emotive therapy, scream therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis come to mind. However, if you seriously believe your problem has its roots in a previous life, you might want to go to a past life regression therapist.

Check with the International Association of Past Life Therapists. They will help you locate someone working in this type of therapy. If you cannot find someone reputable, it might be best to talk with someone verifiable, perhaps a member of the American Psychological Association.

You might try meditation on your own. Sit in a quiet environment and repeat a mantra over and over until you are in an almost hypnotic state. This is a wonderful relaxation technique. It may help you recall childhood events. It may even take you back to a previous life. This cannot be proved, but it may help explain things to you. In circumstances where you remember something you are unsure about, you cannot ever be certain about a past life event. It may have a logical connection to some event in your current life though. Meditation, if not able to help you understand your problems, is a marvelous method to relax and feel better by doing so.

A hypnotist is not some magician on a stage to amuse the crowd. A modern hypnotist is an educated therapist with additional training in the methods. You can, under a trance, explore your suspicions about having lived before. If you think of a random name or address, you can then try to confirm the information after your session is over.

Sometimes an individual has issues that cannot be connected to any events they experienced in life. Yet they continue to feel disturbed, about phobias for example. If hypnotism or regression therapy will allow the person in therapy to find self-understand and relief from anxiety, it will be a good thing.

Remember, if you do believe in reincarnation, you still need to deal with the life you are living through now. You were probably not someone rich or famous as most people are not. As you explore who you might have been in past life, do not focus your attention backwards. Use the information you find to improve the life you are living in this incarnation. Finally, always select a therapist with academically approved credentials. It’s important to keep yourself safe in present life.

Discover the amazing experience of past life regression from the popular site. Find details of past life memories for yourself and find out the real hidden secrets with a past life quiz when you visit here and get your FREE DVD Package.

categories: in past life,past life,past lives,past life regresssion,past therapy,reincarnation

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