What Exactly Is Free Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid dreaming refers to the ability to sleep and dream with the full awareness that you are dreaming. Thus, essentially it involves drifting away to the dream world by letting the body rest but being in a completely wakeful and conscious state of mind. It is an extremely difficult ability to develop and by free lucid dreaming, one refers to the free movement or high flexibility of one inside the dream for being able to do anything as desired.

Thus, a discussion on free lucid dreaming or even this article cannot be complete without a talking about the hindrances that one faces in lucid dreaming and the measures to overcome them thereof.

Maintaining the lucid nature of the dreams is the main problem that people face while lucid dreaming. Thus, people become prone to nightmares, losing grip on the settings or scenes of the dreams, and suddenly becoming awake while trying too hard to achieve something. These are some of the problems that arise while lucid dreaming.

Making meditation a part of your life is the first and foremost step for free lucid dreaming. Meditational practices clear one’s mind from negative thoughts, improves one’s concentration and focusing power, increases awareness of your subconscious mind and its abilities and thereby increases the control on the sub conscious. All this facilitates entering and thereafter maintaining the lucid dreaming stage.

In your experience of free lucid dreaming you might find yourself in the place of a Grecian Hero, completing tasks after tasks and suddenly you start losing grip on the dream setting. Your tasks become impossible and the dream setting fades away. This is a common problem that occurs when the grip is lost.

There is another type of problem in free lucid dreaming. Suppose you are dreaming that you are trying to fly like superman, but you are not being able to. You are trying very hard, very hard. And suddenly you wake up. The extra pressure has driven your dream away and has made you to open your eyes wide.

To overcome these two problems you need to master the techniques of dream spinning and verbal commands for attaining free lucid dreaming ability. In dream spinning you stand at a point and start spinning around like a kid while the focus is on the dream setting that you want. When you stop spinning you’ll find yourself in the exact setting that you were so long trying to attain.

Verbal commands are the second form of help that can be used while free lucid dreaming. While dreaming you might find yourself in a tight spot. There could be nightmares, there could be other complicacies. You have to think positive mentally. The mind will race towards that positive pole. If there is beast that is trying to attack you in the dream, think that the beast is friendly and it will smile back to you. You are sure to win over your nightmares.

Regular Meditational practices along with the methods of dream spinning and verbal affirmation will pave the path of disturbance free lucid dreaming. You can do whatever you want in your dreams and there would not be any barrier standing in your way in doing whatever you want and going wherever you desire.

Explore the phenomena of lucid dreaming by visiting the popular http://www.luciddreaminginfo.com website. Find out how to lucid dream for yourself and discover secrets of how to lucid dream instantly when you visit here and get your FREE Lucid Dreaming DVD Package.

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