Where Is Abundance?

Do you have the perfect life? Then you are probably one of the lucky few in life that gets to experience that awesome feeling of abundance. Or you may think that you do. Many people mistake being rich for this feeling as some think that endless amounts of money can buy you anything. That famous saying, ‘money can’t buy you love’ also applies to feeling abundant. It is like baking a cake you need more than just flour to make a cake.

As with many things in life if you really want something you usually have to go out there and get it. Abundance is like that. Nobody feels abundant over night or just naturally receives it. You have to understand what it is and then go out and get it.

Having abundance is one of the greatest feelings in the world. You will understand your own heart and be able to train your subconscious into a better way of thinking and feeling. It is a sensation we all deep down want to achieve in life. It is a feeling of being at peace with one’s self and of those around us.

We don’t want to earn more money or chase the dream of winning the lottery neither are we embarrassed if we earn more than those around us just because we are good at our job or enjoy doing our job. As demonstrated there are many ways of reaching this feeling of wealth once you have reached this stage and understood its true meaning can you begin to understand that true feeling of abundance.

So now you say well I am financially well off I can afford what most people can’t, I should count myself lucky right? Wrong! If you said well I am well of drive a nice car, own my own house have a great network of friends and a gorgeous wife and three kids. Surely I must have abundance in my life if I have money and friends and family? You still probably do not.

Ask yourself these questions: Do you feel happy inside? Do you worry about your health? Are you overweight or suffer any medical issues like high blood pressure or even stress? In all probability you may feel that not everything now is rosy in your life.

Looking after your body is only one half of your health and getting closer to achieving that feeling of abundance. You need to look after your mind. Stressing out over the littlest things or worrying about those things which are simply not in your control, will not help you. You need to find a way of healing your mind and reaching that abundant feeling.

Imagine you were wealthy with lots of money and a picture of physical health but with no true love or friends that cared about you? Now think what it would be like to feel satisfied with your income, feel healthy and have great family, friends and a partner. Still want to be rich or do you want that awesome feeling of abundance?

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