Working With Your Unconscious Mind

Research has shown that we only use an average of 10% of the full capacity of our mind power. This means the remaining 90% of your full potential remains untapped. Can you even imagine what you’d be capable of if you could access even a small portion of that remaining potential?

What is power of mind? Scientists have known for a long time that there are some people who can access different aspects of the unconscious mind to manifest various abilities, strengths and perceptions. These abilities can often include the range of extra-sensory and psychic abilities.

The emergence of these abilities in some people doesn’t make them special or different. Every human being on the planet has the ability to access portions of the unconscious mind to tap into various powers and gifts.

Unfortunately, what happens is that most people don’t even know these abilities exist, so they remain latent. That unused 90% of your potential is there, but it’s latent, dormant.

How do you unlock this potential? You access your unconscious mind and find that you have the ability to manifest what you want in life. You may also find that you have other special abilities you didn’t know about, such as telekinesis, remote viewing, levitation, precongnition, or many other so-called “supernatural” abilities.

How do you begin to access your unconscious mind so that you do this? Let’s take a look.

Affirmations: Your unconscious mind is the power-house of your entire life. Everything you do, every choice you make, it all comes from a thought that originated in your unconscious mind. It’s processed and then moved forward to your conscious mind, or the waking portion of your thought patterns, where you act on the information given.

By repeating positive phrases or messages to yourself several times a day, your unconscious mind will eventually pick up that phrase and put it to work in that section of your brain that is often locked away from your attention. That affirmative thought plus the power of your unconscious mind means that the next time you receive a conscious thought process, it will be more positive, more focused and more in tune with your desires.

So for example, think for a minute about what say to yourself in your “self talk” at the moment. You may say, for example, “I’ll never lose weight,” “I’ll always be poor,” or, “I don’t deserve to be happy.” Take those phrases, and change them to something positive, so that the opposite essentially becomes true, ultimately.

Visualization: Many people mistake visualization for simple day dreaming. There is a significant difference between the two and the biggest difference has to do with what you tell your unconscious mind you really want as opposed to what you already know is just a daydream.

So, do this. Visualize, truly picturing yourself as you want your life to be. What do you want in your life? What do you want in your relationships? What level of abundance do you want to be living at? Visualize all those things with you enjoying them as already present. Do this long enough, and your unconscious mind will eventually take those images and begin to bring them to fruition, to make them happen for you.

Hypnosis is another way to access your unconscious mind easily. Hypnosis in fact has had very positive results for people who have wanted to lose weight, increase their self-esteem, quit smoking, attract success or wealth, or anything else that you may want.

Self-hypnosis is a very easy, quick way to develop your own mind powers when it suits you. You can listen to recordings of hypnotherapy sessions to reinforce the affirmations directly into your unconscious mind.

Explore the phenomena of using your mind power by visiting the popular website. Find out about using powers of mind for yourself and the secrets of powers of the mind when you visit here and get your FREE video and audio DVD Package.

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