Workplace Stress Reduced By Yoga

Yoga, an ancient practice that’s been known to provide many health related benefits, including enhanced physical flexibility, muscle strengthening, calming the mind, improving the immune system’s function. It has been studied at several institutions globally to determine its health benefits. While many people have expressed concerned about yoga’s religious perspective, and since the mid-1980s, this practice has become a mainstream American activity.

A recent research study, published in a Swedish medical research journal, has indicated concern for the degree of stress and emotional well-being among university staff. This study examined the effectiveness of yoga in enhancing emotional well-being and resilience to stress among university employees.

English researchers conducted a randomized clinical study, involving 48 people. They were either placed into a yoga program, or wait listed, as the control group. The yoga group was participated in a six week program, of Dru Yoga, involving one weekly 60-minute class.

These classes were conducted by a certified Dru Yoga instructor during their lunch hour. The wait-list control group did not participate during this six-week study. The participants were measured at the program’s launch and conclusion. They reported their mood and sense of well- being using the Profile of Mood States – Bipolar (POMS-Bi) and the Inventory of Positive Psychological Attitudes (IPPA).

The participants in the yoga program reported significant improved moods and psychological attitudes, compared to the control group, in seven of the eight well-being measurements. Compared to the people in the control group, the yoga participants experienced a significant improvement in feelings of confidence, energy, clear-mindedness, composure, and joyfulness. Also, the yoga group noted an increased sense of life purpose and satisfaction, and feelings of greater self-confidence during stressful situations. These results demonstrate that a brief program of yoga effectively enhances emotional well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace. The researchers recommended that employers should consider offering yoga classes to their employees.

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