Yoga DVD – Yoga and the Art of Aging Presents the Complete Yoga DVD “Yoga & The Art Of Aging ” Free on You Tube in High Definition. Part 1 of 6 . Sarsha takes Al & Alena through a yoga series to aid the aging process. Week one is focused on the core and spine stability. These 6 videos are part 1 of a 7 part series. The compete download is available from our website. For the complete one hour class please use the play list . Or visit http the full hour streams from the front page with no breaks as the playlist changes. Please check our Yoga Channel for the complete playlist of this video. Can Yoga Help Aging ? Ask BKS Iyengar he has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than 75 years. Here he is practicing Yoga in 1938 and Yoga in 1991 at 70. then here is an interview70 years later.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. Hey, could you link a beginners class for me. Just having a little trouble finding one is all. Downward Dog is getting there, just wanted one other one that I could learn with. Cheers.

  2. Thanks for the reply. It’s all good. I still stand by my point, as sick and disturbed as I may be? LOL not that’s what your reply was intending. I’ll be giving it a go at least to incorporate in a long list of other methods I need to focus on. I work in an office all day without sunlight and have started juicing to improve upon that sickness. A little more sun and some basic Yoga is something I need. I like the breathing and feeling of blood moving. I’ll subscribe 😉

  3. @GreenTDave Hey thank you for the complements. This is aimed at anyone whom wants to lead a better healthier life. I think that people need to know that among the many things that yoga is, is that it does help you keep in shape mentally as well as physically. As you can see. I think that it can be inspirational to have people that are in shape. ( which should be normal, we were not meant to be a sick species) for those that want to do something that actually works on many levels. Namaste

  4. Very good presentation, although I think it would benefit to have a mixture of body types and ages. I’m not talking about an overweight elderly gentleman on his death bed or the Brady Bunch family, but I would not say this is aimed for those that need it or that if it was intended so, it will only take off with the gym junkies-fads-diets-young ans so forth. Very well done all the same & I wish you success

  5. Took a yoga class few months back and regret not being able to go back to it, this video just replicated all the basic moves, thanks!

  6. The most noise in a Yoga class is breathing, falling out breaths and an occasional fart, lol! 😛

    Namaste 🙂

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