Yoga Nidra Script Explanation

With Yoga Nidra, the body achieves a conscious phase of deep sleep that is very ingivorating. You do not dream in yoga nidra, and despite the alertness that you can feel, you are so relaxed that your body starts emitting delta waves and you start becoming rested much more efficiently. It is so named for the terms yoga (meaning “union”) and nidra (which means “sleep without dreaming”). If you meditate and use this practice, you’ll be able to reach the furthest depths of your mind and soul, and reach enlightenment. Once you are in yoga nidra, all of your worldly cares just slip away, enabling you to open your mind to new experiences.

Despite its similarity in appearance to meditation and other such techniques, there are many differences:

* Meditation allows one to begin in a waking state and gradually bring consciousness and unconsciousness to the forefront while concentrating on a single point.

* Reverie is that time when you first wake up and are not quite fully awake. This state is often the goal of relaxation and visualization techniques, but is still not as deep as Yoga Nidra. This is the ultimate state of relaxation where attachment and aversion to influences are reduced in strength. It allows one to tap into the subconscious mind and is often seen as an avenue in which casual factors can be explored.

The state of being in a deep sleep, yet conscious provides many benefits. At the conscious and unconscious level memories are stored, but it’s only at the subconscious level where they take no form and, therefore, have no power. In this form they do not create thoughts or actions and can be evaluated more rationally.

You’re not doing this to relax per se, but instead you are attempting to recede; if you use meditation along with this, you can accomplish quite a lot for yourself. When you are awake, you can often be incredibly distracted to a fault. When you are dreaming, however, you might remember things in a strange and terrifying way. However, with constant transition between these states during a period of meditation, you can examining your subconscious in a conscious way. You can relax in quite a few other ways as well;, for example, is often used to do the same thing.

Although they may appear to be contradictory states, in actuality, they are very compatible. Whether one is seeking to explore each of the three states individually or all three collectively, one can access that infinite storehouse of knowledge which is in each of us. While many may be somewhat afraid to explore that which is not at the conscious level, it is not only one of the best forms of relaxation, but also trains the mind.

One cannot achieve this level of relaxation at the first attempt. It takes lots of practice to get to that level. But any attempt is not a waste of time. Even if the ultimate level isn’t reached, the brainwave activity occurring while practicing is enhanced and increased. So it’s a good use of your time. Theta and alpha levels are the goal of this practice. Accessing those levels improves your mental and physical wellbeing. Yoga Nidra hopes to access the delta level, which provides an awareness and state of being far beyond that of any brain activity you’ve ever known. The mind can go inward, reflecting and opening to new concepts and states of being. You examine the very essence of what makes you, you. You begin to delve into the question, “Who am I?

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