Your Current Life Between Lives

We have lived many lives before we reach in this lovely earth, many say. The strange and thoughtful concept was taught by many prophets and religious holy books. We refuse to believe theories like this more often because there are no mere scientific evidences that prove we are current living in life between many lives. But, there are many thousands claim that they have been getting scenes of their past lives and they can also explain our past.

Psychologists tell that we can make positive impacts on our life and structure a good personality in our life if we are able to make out incidents and emotions of our past life.

You may not be able to find out a scientific definition for the re embodiment theory because it is purely a spiritual concept. To get the full meaning and definition of life between lives, you need to connect your life to the mortality “the single best invention of life” according to Steve Job, CEO of Apple Corporation. The theory tells each and every action we made in our previous lives have direct relations to our current life. Practitioners claim and argue that if we can connect our current life to previous lives and their mortality, we get significant answers for the “real” questions that who are we and why are here?

Here is another important question how this correlation become helpful or imperative in our present life? Life between lives preachers argue that we can make solutions for lots of problem that we are facing now. How? As it is described, we are suffering tensions and issues for what all we did our past life. By knowing our previous lives thoroughly, we will be able to trouble shoot the faulty practices we committed there and erase those from here! Thus, we lessen the bad consequences of our previous births.

Once we re able to understand the remaining of past in our mind as well as in our life that can answer to many question which human beings has been asking long since the wisdom filled in their mind. What is the meaning of human existence? Why human beings are directed to live here and reproducing next generation. Or whether human life is meaning less as Samuel Bucket opined in his works. Such an invention will trigger humanity to creation of a new world including new thoughts and believes.

The only measure to achieve the capacity to dig out past life of human beings or humanity is to attain psychic skill which can explore the enormous potential of human mind. Hun=man mind is the store house of mysteries and the skill to analyze the human mind will lead to decode the signs and symbols of past and future life and which will be vary significant to understand the meaning of human life or the meaning of human existence in this globe.

Here is another very important point. Our souls lie not within our physical body structure but it is out side surrounded us. Once you got psychic ability, you can see them not using your naked eyes but with sixth sense you achieved by your psychic practices. That means the soul become visible to your sixth sense or spiritual sense or psychic sense.

Watch him carefully. Ask him what you need to know about your self. He will tell you. Not to your ears but the ideas will be downloaded directly to your heart!

Chelsea Selfield is a writer for the website. Discover the amazing experience of being life between lives for yourself and get 30 Free the past life Audios and Videos when you visit here.

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