Your Life As A Remote Viewer

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to be the remote viewer, especially if you have never taken a remote view or at least remembered being a remote viewer.

When you are the remote viewer, you can go anywhere you want to, see anything or object that you want to see, when you want to see it. Whether you want to hang around in the present time investigating something that is taking place right now, go back into the past to view some amazing historical feat or move swiftly into the future to find out what you life might be like in 20 years. Being the remote viewer can turn up some really interesting and beneficial issues, solutions and ideas.

Every man, woman and child can be a remote viewer, though the vast majority of people never tap into these natural abilities. There are means of perception which lie in our subconscious that allow us a wider view of the world than is available through our five physical senses. With some training, you can use these abilities and view the universe differently.

Most often remote viewing involves viewing an area or location that you know absolutely nothing about. At least the research subjects taking various tests had no idea of the actual location they were visiting while in a conscious unconscious state of mind. A coordinate keyword was provided to these individuals as their only reference.

However, this does not mean that you cannot remote view in an area that you are familiar with although you are not in that location at the time of the practice or test session of remote viewing. Many governments have poured millions of dollars into investigating the power of the mind such as remote viewing. Remote viewing is a term that falls under the umbrella term of paranormal or psychic, as does lucid dreaming, astral travel and other psychic abilities.

Remote viewing really isn’t as odd as it may seem when you first hear of it. It’s something which every single one of us can do as long as we work to develop our latent psychic talents. Once you learn how to access these mental capabilities, you can use your abilities as a remote viewer anytime you like.

How can you develop your natural ability of remote viewing?

Remote viewing, like all other psychic abilities are based on your mind power. You need to condition your mind to use its untapped potential and there are several different techniques which can be used to learn remote viewing. Meditation and guided visualization can help you to achieve the necessary state of mind to use remote viewing.

Remote viewing begins with relaxation. You need to relax both mind and body; try out different visualization techniques and meditations to find what works the best for you. Like developing any skill, it will take some time to become a remote viewer. Be patient and keep at it and you’ll progress step by step.

Another great idea is to make sure that you will not be disturbed while you are the remote viewer, whether you are learning or practicing your talents and skills. You will want to be sure that you can relax in a quite and comfortable area in order to get the best results of your remote viewing sessions.

As you practice, take notes on your results in a notebook. This remote viewing journal will be very helpful to you as you track your progress towards becoming an expert remote viewer. Make notes of your exercises and any images which you see as you attempt to remote view. Your notes can help you decide which techniques are bringing you the best results.

Every human being has these natural psychic abilities, though the numbers of those who actually work to develop these abilities so that they can be used is comparatively small. With the proper training, these latent abilities can be brought to the surface and learned to the extent that they can be used at will.

When you’re a remote viewer, the entire universe opens its doors to you. You can see into any place at any time and explore distant galaxies or even find out what’s going on next door. There are no limits to what a remote viewer can see; everyone can benefit from developing this inborn sensory ability.

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