Hatha Yoga 1 -Easy Ground Work – Full 43 Minute Class

www.yogayak.com for more classes. This mat based Hatha Yoga flow is gentle and perfect for a “lazy” yoga day. Diane leads you through a gently active sequence that awakens your body without any strain, leaving you calm and refreshed. Duration 43 min Teacher: Diane Jacobs
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A brief yet simple description of yoga, an experiential science.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. Very relaxing video, I really enjoyed it and will do it again. A few more reminders about when to inhale would be helpful.

  2. I have to say this is the ONLY video on Youtube that actually helps beginners with yoga. Ive watched about ten or so “beginner” vids and none of them have matched this! Thank you so much and I’ll continue watching your vids from now on.

  3. Question I think I did a pose awkwardly cause I strained my shoulder blade in thye middle of the video when u do the cobra thing.Is it a big deal? Something feels out of place.

  4. Nice class, soothing voice, very gentle and caring.
    Well done, thanks.
    I’m saving it in to “Favorites”

  5. great yoga class. She does wonders for my sore neck and shoulders. Love the cloud sequence at the end!
    Thank you!

  6. @betumene No, I am a devout Christian. I can think whatever thoughts I want while doing these movements. Essentially, it is just stretching. I love it. And, at the very end, I pray.

  7. I really love your channel, for having many different styles and routines to do, there is no getting bored. Every time I try a new video I feel like Im getting beaten up. I really appreciate the fact that you take the time to record these useful video. I barely started taking yoga,once a week, but your videos help me keep up with it. . = ] Every since I started following your videos I have notice my body getting toned up. …love it!!

  8. I got your book yesterday at Barnes and Noble! I love it! Been reading it every chance I got, plus before bed. Love it, so fun!

  9. tara, you continue to inspire. i could listen to you talk all day. keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing your philosophies with us.

  10. Again reminds me of the difference between “Yoga” and योग.
    Yoga makes you a machine ? Efficient machine ?
    Don’t need that yoga, I’ve got my job for that !
    Good luck with the Amazon sales !

  11. @EssyleQuestis Wow, your English is really good, you don’t need to apologize! I’m from the Netherlands by the way…

  12. @cherryblossoms32 thank you for the kind reply. that is unusual on the internet especially considering the topic. I did not know about that god angle to yoga. I assume most people don’t practice that part. I don’t remember “yoga” under religion on the census form =)

  13. @moneyman10k Agreed! I am a Christian, but I do yoga. The Bible encourages meditation (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 48:9), and Jesus would meditate often, particularly on the night of His arrest. In reality, the part about yoga that is contradictory to Christianity is the belief that we are our own Gods, which is not what every yoga-practicer believes. It is a facet of yoga that I do not believe in, but I still practice yoga, and I am still a Christian. Hope that cleared some things up!

  14. Hello Tara!
    I wanted to loose some weight and I already ate really healthy so I was quite desperate, and then I discovered your channel.
    I LOVE it, I love that feeling of having an healthy body and now, I can’t spend a day without doing some yoga moves! I don’t have lost much weight but I feel good with that body, and that’s what matters.
    So, I have to thank you for your videos, your smile and your ability to make yoga accessible.
    1000 kisses from France!
    * And sorry for the bad English *

  15. Hi Tara, I’m Catholic and I also practice Yoga. If you agree, I can send you some information to treat the topic of Christianity and Yoga. I don’t want to establish a religious controversy; I just want to share my humble opinion. I want people to live more free and happy, without being “sinful”. God bless you and your dear beings!!!! Carlos :. :. :.

  16. I didn’t just run to the bookstore, but went to Amazon and bought your book! Can’t wait to hold it in my hand and read it! ^^

    Happy greetings from the Netherlands!

  17. @tt2ize then they need to read the bible more because there is nothing sinful about exercise and mindfulness.

    and tara doesn’t need to defend from an idea like that either. no matter what the topic, if someone hates something, that’s their problem, not the subject’s problem.

  18. hey hun i asked few months ago about your hair and skin product altho i do realize that doing yoga and eating healthy is big part of it i would really really love it if you could share some of the products you are using

  19. @tt2ize oh yes. . i have so much to talk about and with you all on that topic. . a whole other blog I think. and conversation!!

  20. @coolcardboard you’ve always been you. . any time you feel amazing.. . inspired. . centered. . that’s you. . no need to find yourself. . you’re already right there and always will be. . the work is being easy inside your body to let the “you” roam free. glad you’re in touch. i really started getting into yoga when i was 15.

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