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  1. its interesting that this can be ‘healthy’ movement. it might be for this practitioner
    but there is a lot of lumbar compression in these postures. amazing if the people
    who practice this have no lower back pain or facet joint damage because the compaction of this region in these shapes, is intense. but if it works for you…then it works. but whoah…it looks scary!!!!

  2. Im in love 🙂 So spiritual. Its more than just diet and a different way of viewing rocks in our path. She mentioned how it helps handle problems.

  3. @KoriKitti Why give up even before you start? Go for it and concentrate on the process not the outcome. Then you’ll realise that being able to do it or not being able is not important, but just doing it is everything.

  4. It is wonderful to see everything that the mind and body can do, but most wonderful power that universal energy deposit in each of us and to manifest it. Thank you for sharing this picture.

  5. Watching people like Anne practice is really an inspiration! Goes to show where devotion and consistency in your practice will take you.

  6. Her breathing and form is more than helpful, my backbends have improved.
    It will be a few months until I get to the last forms. I’m 4 weeks in to my practice and my wife says she can see the changes already. Please post more Anne.

  7. the shock is still on my face……. You make me so sad! T.T I wish I could do that…. probably never will be able…. *sigh* oh well! I’ll find… something else to be good at! 😀 v.v

  8. Wow! I can do the first half of this exercise very well. Back-bends are my easiest moves to do in yoga, but the little flips are beautiful and I hope to be able to do them one day :).

    Is she speaking Finnish?

  9. Whow, I didn’t expect something like this at the begginig, but she is so close to harmony with herself, she deservs to be watched.. :-))

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