Can Meditation Make You Happy?

Many of us learn that it is hard to be happy. Happiness seems to be an elusive goal that you might “get” when you acquire enough stuff or achieve enough things. This idea highlights what many people believe – that you can only be happy when one or more external criteria are reached.

And that programming often continues strongly into adulthood. Sure, there are a variety of reasons motivating us to do the things we do, but one of them is surely the desire to be happy.

The ironic thing is that, the more we strive to acquire the things that we think will make us happy, the more elusive happiness seems to be.

Of course, modern consumerism does its best to perpetuate this myth of “external happiness’. Why? Because then we will buy more stuff, of course! We all need more things – the latest ipod, iphone, computer, car and so on. Only then can we be happy. Or so we think.

In reality, once we acquire the new whatever, we look straight for the next thing to buy – because the last thing didn’t really bring us happiness after all. So is there an alternative? A way that we can be happier and more fulfilled without buying into modern consumerism?

If the path to happiness is not outside us, then it MUST be inside. And the good news is – that it is! And not only that, it is accessible to everyone. So what is the path to true happiness? It is finding that quiet place within where you know that you are safe, and loved, and nurtured. No matter what is happening in the external world. No matter what you have or haven’t acquired.

Meditation is one of the paths to finding a sacred place within yourself.

At its most basic, meditation is trance. Trance is a state of relaxed awareness that produces certain beneficial brainwave and body changes – as the level of the practitioner increases one can also experience increasing degrees of psychic and spiritual phenomena. And importantly for this article, HAPPINESS!

What meditation does is to beneficially change your body’s chemical soup and nervous impulses. The result is that both body and mind feels more relaxed. Your thoughts slow down, increased levels of joy-promoting neurotransmitters are released, and you become happy.

Happiness is being contented and joyful. It seems that for most people it is an elusive and fleeting thing – imagine how our world might be different if most of us were happy most of the time.

Meditation is a quick, cheap and easy way to boost your happiness level. It just takes a few minutes a day. You should try it – you’ll be happy that you did!

Because meditation brings you into closer contact with Original Energy, it promotes your psychic development as well. To see how much you’ve developed take this free psychic test or read more about psychic tests at Squidoo. You can get a unique content version of this article from the Uber Article Directory.

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