Few Ways To Practice Yoga

There are so many different ways to get involved in yoga. Some of them are harder than others, but they all agree in one thing: They are great ways to expand what you are capable of, both physically and spiritually. These are a few of the different types you might be exposed to as you explore the possibilities of yoga.

The most common types of yoga

Ananda is the first style of yoga for the beginning practitioner. It is relatively simple and requires very little in the way of advance preparation by the person trying it out.

Kundalini is the next type of yoga to learn. It was one of the first to come west from yoga’s origins. It involves a whole lot of controlled, deep breathing exercises.

Bikram is the next style of yoga, this time involving very high heated room such as a sauna or something similar. It allows the body to move much more freely than other styles for this reason.

The next style of yoga is often referred to as “power yoga” and is not for the beginner. It is called Astanga and involves a lot of strength and stamina to stay in place for long periods of time.

Kripalu is a form of yoga that focuses more closely on meditation and body alignment. It is about centering the self in the way that is most helpful to the mind and soul.

Integral yoga is a westernized form of the craft, but no less strenuous. It looks simple due to its basic postures, but it can be modified to fit the style of the practitioner. It is also good for beginners.

One newer form of the craft of yoga is called Anasura and is emphasized on the spiritual as well as on proper alignment of the body.

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