Learn Astral Projection And Explore The Universe

Astral projection is an interesting and mysterious concept that is not fully proved by science but well experienced by millions of people for many centuries. It is defined as taking our spirits into a world where fully different to space we are existing now. Our body growth and dimensions is always react to atmosphere and many scientific factors such as gravity, time and dimensions but while astral projection, you are free from all those factors. Once you experience this concept, you will be able to reach anywhere in the universe with the help of your spirit. Other than fun, spiritual enjoyment and adventures, your mental power and concentration skills double with astral projection practicing.

The beautiful and interesting fact that experts displayed out from their researches is human being can undergo spiritual travel even in their conscious state of mind. In order to achieve this state of mind you need to be well prepared in your mind and body. It is possible to all by constant practicing. You have best to practice meditation and yoga to gain control over your mind and direct your thoughts.

The practicing are must be free from noise and other distractions that may hamper your mind’s concentration. If you are at home practice, you should choose a time when your household items and family members do not make unwanted sounds. Ideal time at home is when people are not at home or sleeping.

When you plan to practice astral projection, go to bed at least one hour before your usual sleep. And don’t practice it when you are very sleepy and waiting for a pillow to sleep. Never practice when you are absolutely tired either mentally or physically. You will not able to concentrate your mind when you are tired out of hard work. Control your diet and avoid heavy foods like meat and dairy products. This requires more energy for metabolism.

Lay flat on your bed and looking up and lay your hands close to your body. Look straight up and stretch your arms up. If you are falling asleep your body will fell down so that you can wake up. Put your bed and pillow properly and assure a comfortable lying.

Stay your mind clean and free from stressful thoughts. If you are failing to clear your kind, focus on your nose and think about how your nose holes intakes breath; this will help you to be free from external thoughts. Be firm and still without any kind of strain. After some times of the practice, you will enter into a phase called Mind Awake Body Asleep phase where your body will become heavy and you may tend to fall asleep.

This can be final step and successful completion of astral projection. In this state, your astral body tends to leave your physical body. If you are feeling anything mysterious, you make walk around room and hold some objected placed on the wall or table. You will realize the fact that now your astral body has left your physical body structure. Try to roam around your house premises with astral body; if you are a beginner, you can wander at near by locations only. If you are jumping your physical body now, you will feel like you are afloat on the air.

When your soul is about to leave your body you will start shivering and it will move from one part to another. Don’t be over exited or afraid of it. Let your soul leave your body.

The author Simon Ibanez writes for the http://www.astralprojectiontravel.com website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of astral projection and you can try it yourself when you get 29 Free learn astral projection Binaural and hypnosis mp3 audios when you visit here.

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