Physiological Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga is responsible for creating a fine balance between the endocrine and the nervous systems in a human body and therefore it is very successful in influencing the good functioning of different body organs and systems directly or indirectly.

Yoga provides a unique interconnectedness between the physical, mental, and emotional levels of human body and gradually makes way for an easy understanding of various delicate areas of existence.

This, in turn, helps human body to reap benefits in terms of psychology and it relates to the below mentioned points:

Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension can be prevented and also treated by regular carry out of yoga.

The exercise and relaxation that yoga offers to human body play an important function in curing high blood pressure.

The curing properties of yoga are found in its function that diminishes the respiratory rate and improves its efficiency thereby helping in preventing high blood pressure.

Yogic breathing combined with the recreation techniques of yoga and biofeedback play an important role in bringing down the blood pressure and thereby reducing the medication requirements.

Pulse Rate

Yoga is also helpful in lowering the pulse rate and bringing it under control.

There are three main components of yoga, Asanas, Pranayama, and meditation, which contribute directly in maintaining a balance between respiratory system and its organs.

This allows great synchronization of the different systems and thereby decrement in high pulse rate is observed.


Yoga helps in setting up a proper sleeping pattern and in normalizing the body weight.

These all in a way provide benefits to the body circulation system and in that way improving it without a great influence of medication.

worry is termed to be one of the chief reason for unstable circulation system and the art of Yoga directly act as a preventive tool against anxiety thereby creating high grounds where circulation is well taken care of.


Yoga comprises of mild exercises that are designed in such a manner so as to provide complete relief from the dangerous effects of stress on proper functioning of the organs within the body.

There are many asanas of yoga that kindle different organs and glands within the body.

Yoga is also responsible for providing an exposure to the internal experience and therefore creates co-ordination between various functions and organ systems within the human body.


Immunity creates the defensive wall against the ill effects of different life intimidating diseases and Yoga is one of the most important ways of achieving the improved body immunity.

In other words, yoga directly improves the body immunity with the aid of a gate-regulating mechanism and therefore also improves the secretion of white blood cells, a sign of good health.


Yoga also helps in breaking down of glucose and fatty acids and thereby stabilizes the process of metabolism.

Some asanas of yoga helps in stimulating the inactive and slow glands.

This allows great level of optimum hormonal output.

The main aim of yoga is improving the functioning of thyroid glands which in turn exerts great influence on metabolic mechanism.

Optimum level of calories is burnt off during practicing of Yoga asanas and so the level of metabolism is stabilized.


Gastrointestinal part of the body is also benefited through regular exercising of Yoga.

normal exercises of yoga benefits both men and women in improvement of gastrointestinal areas.

Yoga helps in attaining smooth co-ordination between good mental health and gastrointestinal areas of human body.

This two are intricately related to each other and Yoga provides an ideal bridge between them.

Cardiovascular Endurance

Yoga plays an important role in lowering the heart rate and therefore improving the level of oxygenation in the human body.

The mixture of both of them been directly observed in Cardiovascular Endurance as a result of Yoga.


Regular practice of yoga and better fitness are an indication that lungs are functioning in the most efficient manner.

Regular yoga can provide this excellence along with better fitness. is an information portal, presenting several issues like travel, health and wellness, beauty, parenting, and lots more.One segment, wellness, contains information on yoga and physiological benefits of yoga.For extra assistance on Wellness & Yoga please refer to What is Yoga? and

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