Proper Steps To A Healthy Spine Revealed By San Diego Chiropractors

When back pain victims come to a chiropractic office in San Diego such as New Century Spine Centers, they want to get rid of their back pain and keep it off. There are several simple steps that anyone can take to keep their back pain from coming back after undergoing chiropractic care or spinal decompression therapy.

The first thing to understand is to never bend and lift at the waist. Always bend at the knees as opposed to the lumbar spine, then lift. Remember this scenario: “Lift like an elevator, not like a crane.” Stretch every morning for several minutes when you are out of bed. You may prefer taking a hot shower first. The long-term health of your spine is based on the daily little things. Stretching is a big little thing. It is very important.

Never sleep on your stomach. If you sleep on your side, put a pillow between your knees or purchase a molded leg support. Always wear shoes with backs/heel straps on them. Flip-flop sandals are the worst and should be avoided at all costs. Your orthotics need to be as important to your outfit as underwear. Supporting your feet supports your spine.

Sitting for two hours straight without stretching is your maximum. Sitting through a long movie is probably okay but stand up and walk around afterwards and arch your back, lean side-to-side, and take your low back through different ranges of motion before you sit down again or drive home. Water intake should be about 8 glasses of water per day. If you drink alcohol, soda, coffee, or are eating salty food, you must drink an additional 12-24 ounces of water that day.

If you know you are going to be doing a heavy-duty activity such as moving furniture or even be on your feet for hours at a time then wearing a back support belt. Proper nutrition remains important to maintain the health of your discs. I recommend Glucosamine Sulphate. Exercise is great. Walking 1/2 hour each day with light weights is the best. Leave the weights at home if you prefer but get in some walking every single day! Other great options are yoga, Pilates and step aerobics. But for those of you with type-A personalities exercise caution with these- DO NOT GO TOO HARD TOO FAST!

Just remember, if you have any questions, you can contact New Century Spine Centers in San Diego at 619-630-9153. Back pain is not an option anymore. Many people are living pain free and enjoying life. By following these simple back pain relief steps, back pain may be a thing of the past.

Learn more about back treatment, then visit the back pain site on how to choose the best chiropractor for your needs.

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