Yoga For Inflexible People Reviews

Yoga For Inflexible People Yoga For Inflexible People is for anyone who considers themselves inflexible. The yoga postures developed 5,000 years ago were not created for people who are already flexible, but rather to help inflexible people become more flexible. A wide range of poses are taught and modified to help both beginning and intermediate […]

What yoga postures can/cannot be done by people who have undergone kidney transplant?

by Malingering Question by yogi: What yoga postures can/cannot be done by people who have undergone kidney transplant? My mom really likes yoga after reading so much about it from books she bought, and she would really like to try it some time. However, the problem is that she had undergone kidney transplant, which sort […]

Can Meditation Make You Happy?

Many of us learn that it is hard to be happy. Happiness seems to be an elusive goal that you might “get” when you acquire enough stuff or achieve enough things. This idea highlights what many people believe – that you can only be happy when one or more external criteria are reached.