The Way To Do Sirsasana, Headstand Posture

Sirsasana meaning headstand is considered to be one of the most vital yoga poses. If the entire body of yours is supported on your forearms ; if your head is touching the floor ; and your feet are facing direct to the sky ; you need to be in the state of ‘Sirsasana ‘, or ‘Headstand yoga pose ‘.

As this position makes us to stand on the strength of our head, it is named Headstand Posture. The preparation steps will help to build the obligatory strength in the neck and shoulders, and will be practiced until acceptable strength is obtained to hold the final position.

While practicing this position for the first few times, place your mat on the floor in a corner as it will give you the required support if you fall down while doing the headstand.

You can do it by taking your feet nearer to head. It’ll send your hips over your shoulder. In this position your body would make the form of a triangle on floor.

After the legs are straight and upward, the ‘Headstand Posture ‘ completes. You are to remain in this pose for ten seconds.

Now, bring the left leg back to the floor followed by the correct one. Make sure that both of your legs don’t come down at the same time as that may put stress on your backbone and neck muscles.

When learning Sirsasana, it is strongly recommended to find the guidance and help of a trained yoga instructor who can help support the balance until enough experience is gained.

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