Understanding The Seven Chakras

Chakra, translated as the wheel as well is a Sanskrit word. The Chakras infuse on the physical body at particular points. These are also referred to as the centers of forces.

The seven primary chakras are:

The Root chakra or Muladhara; Swadhisthana, called the ovaries; Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra situated at the navel area; Anahata, Heart Chakra located near the heart area; Vishuddha or Throat Chakra; Ajna or Third Eye Chakra; Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra located at the top of the head.

The beginning of the chakra is at the base of the spine and they end at the top of the head. Chakras are fixed in the central spinal column.

Chakras vibrate at different speeds. At the root or the first chakra the speed is the slowest and at the crown or seventh chakra the speed is at the highest. Each chakra stimulates on its own. Chakras are of the following colors – violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

Chakras size and brightness varies with individual development; physical condition; energy levels; disease stress.

Either with imbalance of the chakras or blocked energies the force gets slowed down. A constant balance should be maintained between health and the chakras for promotion of sense of well being.

The moment our feelings are blocked or the natural energy flow stops we begin to react with unpleasant experiences. Due to this both the development and maturation of chakras is impacted. Incase our experiences are blocked our chakras also get blocked and then the chakras get disfigured. Each chakra opens and spins clockwise during normal functioning. This is to metabolize the unique energies desired from the universal energy field.

First Chakra, the Root: Is located at the base of the spine, at the pubic bone in front and at the tailbone at back. The chakra is connected powerfully with the Mother Earth. Our ability to be grounded into the plain earth is due to the Mother Earth.

Belly chakra or the second chakra is rooted into the spine and is situated just two inches below the navel. The center holds the necessary needs for self-worth, intuition, creativity and sexuality.

Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus: It is the centre for place of ego, strength, anger, passion and personal power. This chakra is positioned two inches underneath the breastbone in the center behind the stomach.

Fourth Chakra is also known as the heart chakra. This is the center for spirituality, love and compassion.

Fifth Chakra, the throat chakra: This chakra is the center for our expression of communication sound, and creativity.

Sixth Chakra is also known as the Third Eye. This is the center for the energies of spirit and light, ability and higher intuition

Seventh Chakra or the Crown is the center of enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy and spirituality.

The author Paul Crawford is one of the team of experts who writes for the popular chakra-balance.com site. To understand how knowledge of the seven chakras can enhance your whole life and to get 29 Free seven chakra brainwave training balancing and healing Audios.

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