A Beginners Guide To Understanding The Chakra System

The chakra system consists of seven main chakras and these are body’s energy centers. However the entire chakra system consists of 108 chakras and the chakra system is the metaphysical source. Energy is received and transmitted by these chakras and they are the regulators of flow of fundamental energy.

Different Ways To Achieve Chakra Opening

There are eight main chakras which are positioned at different body points in the chakra system. Whatever is the health of that particular body point, it reflects the health of that chakra. The chakras are energy centers and are related to each person’s personality traits. These eight main chakras are associated with a color.

Understanding The Body Chakras

The Body Chakras are an ancient Hindu science in itself of understanding the way a man is or his well being in the entirety, that is, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. The Body Chakras are seven energy centers placed in a vertical line along the human body in its subtle within. Scientifically speaking, each of these body are linked to the major nerve ganglia from the spinal cord and correlates to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, body functions and much more.

A Brief Understanding Of How To Open Chakra

The human body has seven chakras placed in a vertical line starting form the crown of the head till the base of the spine. According to ancient Hinduism, these are the life force centers of a person, through which energy is received and transmitted and is linked with the infinite energy of the universe. Thus for the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing of a person, these chakras need to be opened. In answering ‘How to open a chakra’, the best technique is to practice chakra meditation using mudras or hand positions coupled with Sanskrit sound vibrations that will align these energy meridians.