Understanding What Extra Sensory Perception Really Is

Extra sensory perception is traditionally categorized in the realm of the super natural. What is so odd about that is that we also embrace the prospect of ESP in lesser levels. This is because serious ESP levels frighten people. The general public doesn’t want to believe that you can take information and understand it without their willful offering of that information.

Extra sensory perception is most commonly known as the card trick gift. This is because the movies have personified the telltale signs of ESP as the ability to tell an examiner whether there is a circle, a square, or a star on the card. Many gifted children were held in the twenties, thirties, and even as late as the eighties more or less against their will in an effort to get them to “read” the picture on the card without ever seeing it. It was considered the greatest test of ESP.

There were many tests run on children who showed potential for extra sensory perception throughout American history. In the twenties, testing was developed. The most common and well recognized form of these tests involved white flashcards with black shapes drawn on them. The card was help up and the child with ESP was asked what picture was on the card.

Extra sensory perception is about being able to determine the information that you are presented with, not being able to determine the information that you necessarily want. This can also mean that you are able to feel it if a spouse or partner is cheating on you or that your mother is lying to you about things that are important to you.

Being able to sense the information without being able to get confirmation can be difficult for many people with heightened intuition to accept. If you have full blown extra sensory perception then you don’t need the confirmation.

We all read body language and we all can sense and feel things. Also referred to as the sixth sense, extra sensory perception is much more common than we like to admit. Those who can develop their gifts or those who were born with a tremendously heightened awareness are those who are considered to gifted.

There are many different types and levels of ESP. You may be someone who feels information or you might be someone who recognizes information. You might just get the occasional nagging feeling or you might be someone who gets serious and intense feelings that can’t be ignored.

Believing in what you feel or sense is the first step in really grabbing hold of the extra sensory perception abilities, whether large or small, in yourself. There will be plenty of people who will tell you otherwise, but once you start to recognize what you are sensing is accurate you will start to develop your own faith in your own abilities.

Colin Firth is a writer for the http://www.mindpower-info.com website. Discover the amazing experience of subconscious power of mind for yourself and find out the real undisclosed secrets of extra sensory perception power when you visit here and get 29 Free mp3 audios and videos on DVD.

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