Using Different Kinds Of Incense To Create Different Moods

The sense of smell is a powerful thing. Smells can trigger memories, engage endorphins, and can have a tremendous impact on the human body and mind’s sense of well being. Certain scents can affect the way we perceive our environment and create a variety of moods. Whether we perceive a scent as pleasant or unpleasant, our sense of smell is directly linked to our brain. Though as humans we utilize less of our brain capacity than animals, when it comes to smell, there is still a psychological connection between smell and emotion.

Just as no two people smell exactly the same, no scent smells exactly the same to two different people. This does not necessarily mean that the same scent can’t trigger a similar response between two people but the actual sent will still smell differently to each individual. When it comes to using artificial smells, such as candles or incense, to enhance moods, it is a bit like experimenting with flavors of foods. Some you will like, some you won’t but it is in the search for what we respond to that we discover more about ourselves.

Certain scents are strongly associated with a typical perceived response. For instance, sandalwood and lavender are scents associated with soothing and relaxation while lemongrass, sage, and jasmine are associated with invigoration. However, when it comes to aromatherapy – the use of aromas to enhance various moods – these are only guidelines. Some people may experience a sense of relaxation from an aroma associated with invigoration and others may find the scent of citrus to be sensual. It greatly depends on individuality.

The best way to create or enhance different moods is to experiment with the use of smell in different environments. Use past experience to guide you in the selection of aromas. For instance, think of specific smells that trigger happiness and general feelings of well being and use these scents around your home to create warmth and comfort. You can also experiment with different aromas in your bath products to discover which ones create the best sense of relaxation.

The delivery of smells can also impact the way our mind perceives them. For instance, essential oils can create a strong smell that fades while incense may be perceived as constant delivery of aroma. Again, experiment with various products to discover the ones that suit you best.

When experimenting with different aromas, start with a single scent. Keep in mind that two or three individual scents may trigger the desired response but when mixing the scents together, it may create the opposite reaction. Use your favorite scents as a guideline for products that have multiple scents. You can typically rely on floral scents to work well together but too many floral smells at one time may be overwhelming.

Decide what mood you want to create and use the aromas to enhance the mood you are in. Incense and aromatherapy can definitely trigger a psychological response but it isn’t likely to create a mood or emotion you are unable to feel. The general idea is to add to the general feel of a space. Use different scents in different parts of your home. The bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen can all warrant a different mood setting and the use of fragrance is a way to complement the overall setting.

To get the most out of the use of incense, experiment with sweet, spicy, floral and natural “clean” scents to determine which ones create the mood you want. Change the scents periodically to avoid becoming accustomed to the smell. Keep unseasonal scents on hand to invoke the smell of rain or roses even in the winter or the scent of evergreen in the summer.

With a bit of experimentation with different scents in different settings, you will quickly learn your own mood response to various aromas and be able to enhance your current mood or help create different moods as desired. Few things are as powerful as the sense of smell. Using incense and aromatherapy can help you tap into that powerful sense and use it to elevate a sense of peace, relaxation, invigoration, sensuality, and a myriad of feelings that simply make you feel good.

Itamar David is a representative of Fast Aroma., supplying the finest quality Aromatic incense to meditators, Yoga practitioners and discerning buyers looking to create peaceful, calming environments in the home and office. For more information about k2 incense, visit us online!

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