Yoga facial exercises: Minimizing eye wrinkles with face yoga Yoga facial exercises: Minimizing eye wrinkles with face yoga Yoga works wonders for the muscles of your body, so why not your facial muscles, too? That’s the theory behind Face Yoga. Yoga teacher Annelise Hagen, author of The Yoga Face, demonstrates techniques to minimize wrinkles and sagging muscles around the eyes. Keywords: yoga wrinkles yoga eye yoga for eyes
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  1. It makes sense – one sees older dancers who’ve worked out a lot with young looking bodies but with older looking faces. Thank you for posting these interesting exercises!

  2. This is a complete contradiction to common sense! Winking, grinning — all these things CAUSE wrinkles in the skin.

  3. For the skeptics, this is far from new. Jack Lalanne was telling viewers of his show back in the ’50s to do facial exercises. And he looks pretty damn good for a guy of almost 100. In fact, if you check on youtube for Jack Lalanne, you’ll probably find clips of him demonstrating his facial exercises (a lot less structured than this lady’s approach).

  4. She did not use Botox. Look at the exercises – her face is in shape!
    What a woman – so much confidence!

  5. shes only does this because she likes the brief seconds where she has feeling in her upper face.

  6. wrinkles are caused by loss of water from the skin…can e due to aging, continuous folding of the skin, diseases(e.g. winking, blinking, clenching the face,smiling too much, etc) …why would you encourage the whole muscle movement when botox is used to prevent this in the first place
    anyway, i guess people are always ignorant enough to believe anything

  7. maybe she didnt have botox? most people cant control their facial muscles and dont pay attention to themselves making a constant motion that cause the wrinkles. If she has good control over her muscles she wouldnt need to raise her eyebrows when she talk which controls the lines in her forehead from forming. Just like someone who exercises their abs or becomes firm and tight and possibly more round. Just because we are not used to seeing it doesnt mean it can actually be real.

  8. @johnramsbottem I do Facercise (book on amazon) and it makes a huge difference not only in the tone,coloring but it keeps my face from having the falling look caused by gravity!

  9. she looks like she had a lower facelift when she pulls her hair back. she also has wrinkles around the eyes. If i am gonna follow someone’s lead, i would expect that person to not have these things. It seems it does not work.

  10. @VioletIguana yeah you would imagine someone who does facial workout would be better than others at showing facial expressions right? Or maybe she’s just really good at controlling her forehead movements to avoid getting wrinkled there

  11. I think she may just have really good face muscle control but she could have had some work done. Either way cant hurt to give it a try

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