Esther shows you how to tone your six pack and feel stronger in yourself
Video Rating: 4 / 5 This video begins with a shaktipat with peaceful vibrations to still the mind. Then Yogiraj expounds on the secret principles of Kriya Yoga Kriya Yoga is The Alchemy of Total Transformation The Lightning Path to God Realization Cosmic Evolution and Karmic Dissolution Convergence of Science and Spirituality. Kriya Yoga requires initiation and empowerment by a Master, however, some essential concepts to give a clear understanding of the scope and sweep of the technique can be divulged. This video is the first to attempt to give a clear basic lesson in the fundamental principles of Kriya Yoga for spiritual evolution of consciousness. Yogiraj is aliving master and solar seer, and helps sincere practitioners of yogic meditation awaken to higher levels of consciousness through chakra awakening/activation and esoteric practices of Himalayan yoga. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath was born on May 10, 1944 in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has been meditating since the age of 3, and spent his early years in the Himalayas amongst the HamsaNath yogis, in whose presence he was transformed. The divine transformation flowered after his deep and personal experiences in 1961 and 1967 with the yogi-christ Mahavatar Shiv-Goraksha-Babaji, the same spiritual master described in Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi. He has a wife of 30+ years, Gurumata Shivangani, with whom he built by hand the Hamsa Yoga Sangh Ashram (Spiritual Retreat) outside the city of Pune, near Bombay
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. In the pose where you lean back on your forearms I have trouble with my neck. It starts to get tense and hurts. What do I do wrong?

    Your videos are great and so helpful, Esther. Thank you! (I used to live in Enkhuizen in the 70s.)

  2. What is best style of yoga for me? I have L-5 and S-1 fused, a Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant between the shoulder blades with a wire running down my back to an implanted battery pack in by butt, my femoral nerve was cut and I have 75% nerve reconnection, so my left knee can’t hold much weight, I’m bone on bone at the top of my hip joint & I fell in the hospital and injured my knee, but can’t have an MRI because of implant so no one knows what’s wrong- but I want to work my whole body somehow.

  3. What is best style of yoga for me? I have L-5 and S-1 fused, a Spinal Cord Stimulator Implant between the shoulder blades with a wire running down my back to an implanted battery pack in by butt, my femoral nerve was cut and I have 75% nerve reconnection, so my left knee can’t hold much weight, I’m bone on bone at the top of my hip joint & I fell in the hospital and injured my knee, but can’t have an MRI because of implant so no one knows what’s wrong- but I want to work my whole body somehow.

  4. Well I am Brazilian, and I do Yoga in Brazil. But when I’m home I love to make their classes! I wondered how often I do this lesson? Every day, after meals as it is?
    Thank you! And Congratulations, your lessons are great!

  5. Well I am Brazilian, and I do Yoga in Brazil. But when I’m home I love to make their classes! I wondered how often I do this lesson? Every day, after meals as it is?
    Thank you! And Congratulations, your lessons are great!

  6. Well I am Brazilian, and I do Yoga in Brazil. But when I’m home I love to make their classes! I wondered how often I do this lesson? Every day, after meals as it is?
    Thank you! And Congratulations, your lessons are great!

  7. Well I am Brazilian, and I do Yoga in Brazil. But when I’m home I love to make their classes! I wondered how often I do this lesson? Every day, after meals as it is?
    Thank you! And Congratulations, your lessons are great!

  8. Well I am Brazilian, and I do Yoga in Brazil. But when I’m home I love to make their classes! I wondered how often I do this lesson? Every day, after meals as it is?
    Thank you! And Congratulations, your lessons are great!

  9. thank you so very much for posting this. i was in need of help, as i could feel my body going out of alignment. this is gentle enough, safe enough, and yet it is so effective.

  10. at exactly 3:00 what is the move called? Or what would you refer to it as? As i am writing an article on yoga and Pilates and i would like to refer to this exercise. Thanks Joe Atherlay


  11. Esther, kom je oorspronkelijk uit Nederland? Zo klink je namelijk een beetje, no offence! heel handig je yoga oefeningen, dankjewel.. ga ze elke dag oefenen!

  12. nice work. i’m just beginning by watching your videos. i really want to stick with it. i hear so much gossip about how great yoga is for the body..

  13. I wonder why people ask a question about a path with which their mind is already decided? And then, of course, I do the exact same thing. I guess when the sprout is ready, the seed husk falls away of its own. Thnk you for posting YogiRaj, sorry I missed your visit to Los Angeles
    OM Nama Shivaya

  14. @HamsaYogi Of course it can because the path it travels through in the spine (called shushumna) isn’t really in the physical body–it’s in the subtle body. And you definitely have one so don’t worry about it at all.

  15. i qualified rebirther (Leonard Orr) – only now studying other pranayam to grow as yogi – i am very enthused by these videos..! if you are interested in the darshan of Mahavatar Herakhan/Haidakhan Babaji they are YouTube too – they cause hearts to explode and mend, and trigger understanding of all yogas. Aum Namaha Shivaya – Bhole Baba Ki Je – Je Maha Maya Ki Je – ALWAYS KEEP HEART OPEN ALWAYS. a.n.s

  16. dear sir
    i had epidural during one of the birth’s of my child and since its injection into the spinal cord can the kundalini energy be still awakened by kriya yoga or am i never able to ever get that.

  17. @tomek92pl In order to free oneself from the cycle of reincarnation, karma must be erased from the chakras, in order for the kundalini to rise and open the sahasrara. So there’s no way “to manage to free yourself from the natural order of reincarnation” unless you deal with karma first. You can’t put the cart before the horse.

  18. @HamsaYogi if you manage to free your self from th natural order of reincarnation i dont think you should care about karma then, and the path i was talking about, its not on one side or the other, its both, its balancing both the light and the darkness. but you are right at many points anyway

  19. @tomek92pl Well the extreme Shaivites or Kapalikas, have a similar approach which attempts to destroy all conditions and mental reference points or norms of any kind, in order to break the bonds of maya. But I personally agree with the Buddha. That the middle way, between the two extremes, is the best.
    There must be a way to disengage from samsara, a viable and powerful technique like kriya yog. IMHO, extremism doesn’t seem to be as effective in eradicating one’s karma.

  20. @HamsaYogi i have an question for you. what do you think about the left hand path, en ahrimanic yoga (left hand path yoga)? Becoming like the adversary (samael, satan, lucifer, ahriman) to free yourself from the natural order of reincarnation, and become like god? be an individual being?

  21. @pmvura01 Sadhanna is all spiritual practice in general. All the Eight steps on Patanjali’s Path are considered parts of one’s sadhanna.

  22. In the end …he says “Sadhana” is the practice of spiritual growth. Juxtapose it with Concentration is the practice of spiritual growth. Then, what is Dhyan?

  23. @amitp2 “Wings To Freedom” by Yogiraj and “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Yogananda. But if you’re looking for the sacred technique being available in a book, you won’t find it that way. You must be initiated and empowered by a Master for the technique to be ignited within you. The technique is passed traditionally from Master to chela or from teacher to student.

  24. we love maha avatar babaji.. his love and guidance is with us! take one step towards him and he’ll come closer to you!

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