Yoga for the New Beginner

If you’ve never tried yoga before and have been worried about jumping in, here’s your chance! Sarah leads a gentle and deliberate series of asanas geared toward the brand new yogi. Where you take this practice will be your journey. Welcome!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. It’s normal! Happens to me all the time (and it I get nausea too because of it). What it is, is that your body is not used to having so much blood rush to your brain. It’s not a bad thing (actually it can increase brain function because it allows more oxygen to the brain) but if it bothers you too much, do what you can. Eventually it won’t bother you. Good luck!

  2. I am sick this morning and found it very hard to concentrate at all. I finished about 30 mins of my morning routine and had to call it quits. Is this normal or do I need more discipline?
    P.S. this is a very helpful video for the beginning yoga student. Thank you

  3. Hey! The dog posture gave me a headache after the fifth time of doing it…I think because of the blood pressure but is it normal?? I still have a little headache after the session…Can you tell me if it’s normal? Thank you very much!

  4. Very nice, congratulations. I like the way you speak – like normal people doing yoga – not like some yoga instructors who speaks with you like you were a retard.

  5. Excellent verbiage, but the drawback with this video is that you don’t SEE the exercises. All we see is the instructor talking! Occasionally,the camera will pan out to show the two students, but otherwise we just have to guess that we’re doing things correctly as we watch/listen to the seated instructor.

  6. Best beginner video ever! I have been doing this for 4 days now and feel a significant diffrence already. Thank you

  7. Ahh, right after each session I feel so relaxed and peaceful. I take 1 session a day now and I’m in better shape than ever. Thank-you!

  8. I think I may be able to do this now that I have watched this gentle nice way of doing yoga. Thanks for the hope you have given me.

  9. Really great sessions (all of them), really professional and helpful and it’s producing such peacfullness. Thank You So Much.

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