Meditation In Practice

Ajna Chakra And Intuition Chakras are vortices located in the subtle body.If one is able to balance the Ajna chakra, this could promote intuition, awareness, and self-mastery.

Ajna chakra is referred to as the “third eye” and is sometimes called,”the mind’s eye.” This extra eye is in the shape of Ajna, your 6th chakra or energy center. Ajna has a connection to the Pituitary gland which contributes to the reception of the nervous system and the secretions of hormones.

And in actual fact by being given this extra eye, you are indeed given a special, nearly super-human ability and that is of the gift of intuition- the place where you can link up your intellectual and your mystic capabilities. By gradually practicing positive visualization, self-analysis, and meditation, any Yoga student should be successful within any chosen path taken in the course of their life.

Let’s be truthful – if you survey scholars in your classes about their home Yoga practice, very few will say they meditate at home.

AUM Mantra Chanting : the 1st meditation technique for opening the third eye is the AUM mantra meditation.

Silver Hammer tapping – Another powerful strategy for opening the 3rd eye, is be using the silver hammer strategy.

An active 3rd Eye Chakra awakens our drive to gain harmony of mind, body, feelings, and spirit. The object is to be aware of your mind’s energy balance and train your intelligence to avoid judging. This clears the mind to see life as it is, and augments one’s powers of intuition.

But intuition, creative thinking and a larger view of life will nourish our energy system through the practice of Yoga Mudra and concentration on the color indigo purple and the mantra OM.

Crystals to turn on the 3rd Eye Chakra include Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Sugilite, Azurite, Herkimer Diamond, Moldavite, Kunzite, Sapphire, Lepidolite, and Purple Fluorite.

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categories: Health,Weight Loss,Yoga

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