Acerola Berry And Its Benefits

Mother Nature has provided us many great gifts. Some of these we have used and misused, and many we’re not even aware of. The acerola berry is one such marvelous gift whose true value is coming out into the open only in recent times. This berry offers all the benefits that berries provide but a look at all the scientific research that has been conducted proves that these are no ordinary berries.

Most commonly, we find the acerola berry in North and South America – more the other than the former because of the tropical landscape where it flourishes with ease. It’s also found in Caribbean islands and many growers have benn able to cultivate the acerola tree in Florida also.

Dark and deliciously red, this berry is also called the Barbados cherry, Cereso and Antilles cherry among other names. It has a sweet and sour flavor, a lot like citrus fruits. But what is amazing is that it has 32 times as plenty Vitamin C as orange juice, so it’s more powerful than your regular citrus fruits like grapefruit and limes.

This berry can be eaten fresh but you can also add it to smoothies, jams, syrups and jellies. There is no end to the different ways in which this berry can be included to your diet and if you’re an inventive cook or baker, you will find numerous ways to incorporate it into your family’s meal.

How it helps

* Because it is so full of vitamin C, it’s very beneficial in making sure that your immune system becomes strong. So, naturally it helps keep away colds and flu. Since our body cannot produce or store vitamin C and bioflavonoids, this berry help in restocking those levels, and together they enhance blood circulation and help the body fight against diseases.

* Because it is so full of vitamin C, the acerola berry is very beneficial in making sure that your immune system becomes strong. So, obviously it helps keep away flu and cold. Since our body cannot produce or store vitamin C and bioflavonoids, fruits such as the acerola berry help in restocking those levels, and together they enhance blood circulation and help the body fight against diseases.

* Because it’s chockfull of vitamin C, it can shield the body from free radicals which are the main causes of diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

* If you’re diabetic, then the this berry is really great for you as it can lower the blood sugar to normal levels. They contain polyphenols which help greatly in lowering blood sugar.

* If you’re diabetic, then the acerola berry is really good for you as it can lower the blood sugar to reasonable levels. Acerola berries contain polyphenols which help greatly in reducing blood sugar.

* Acerola berries can help fight cancers such as those of the lung, colon, stomach and others also. This is because of the high level of antioxidants that they contain which help in fighting free radicals.

* Many skin products that are being created to treat conditions such as melasma has acerola berry extracts in them. These berries are perfect for treating skin discoloration also because the high content of vitamin C in them reduces the production of melanin which makes the skin dark.

* Most skin products that are being made to treat diseases such as melasma contain acerola berry extracts in them. The acerola berries are ideal for treating skin discoloration as well because the high content of vitamin C in them reduces the production of melanin which makes the skin dark.

* When mixed with soya, it can even help in lowering cholesterol.

* When mixed with soya, the acerola berries can even help in lowering cholesterol.

* Since these berries are low on sugar, they make an excellent snack which even helps you lose weight.

Acerola berries are every health-conscious person’s dream come true. These berries make you feel good and look great also. While many people prefer to consume them fresh, it is perfectly fine to get the frozen version as well. Apart from using the berries as fillings for pies, tarts and cookies, you can steep them in hot water and drink the resultant tea type of preparation.

In case you can’t find acerola berries in your city, then it is not a bad idea to try and grow them as well. Acerola berries can grow in your backyard, provided you live in a warm climate. Typically found in countries such as Puerto Rico, Texas, Mexico and the Caribbean, this berry has made a huge comeback in recent times.

To learn more about the Acerola Berry, please visit our health related website

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