Chakra Balancing And Meditation The Essential Tools

According to Hindu thought, chakras are the energy centers of the human body. These are the key points at which our life force move through the body and are what keeps our body and mind functioning properly and in harmony with each other. While you can’t see your chakras, the major chakras are closely associated with the major parts of your endocrine system (which is tangible).

Chakras control the flow of energy into and out of our bodies. This continuous flow of energy within us and between us and our environment is dependent on your chakras staying in a harmonious balance with each other for proper mental and physical health to exist.

The seven major chakras are ties to the function of a particular gland in our endocrine system. Our chakras are tied to everything we go through; each feeling, sensation and experience we have are related to our chakras.

Any kind of stress, whether mental, physical or emotional can negatively affect the balance of our chakras. We can have a loss of energy, even illness as a result of this imbalance. This is a clear sign if there ever was one that our chakras are out of balance.

To get the most of the harmonious function of our chakras, chakra balance must be maintained. Regular chakra balancing is key to keeping in good health, similar to the way that a machine needs preventative maintenance.

Importance of Chakra Balancing: Many methodologies exist in balancing our chakras and others are continually being explored and developed as the attainment of a perfectly balanced chakra system is the ultimate goal of people who want to enjoy a more fruitful, productive and healthy lifestyle.

This all begins with an understanding that each chakra resonates to a different frequency; these frequencies are naturally occurring and help the chakras to perform their important function of transmitting and receiving energy; also known as prana or chi.

When we are experiencing physical illness, our chakras are not non-functioning, but are out of balance with each other. The resulting imbalance in energy flow can create all manner of problems, including exacerbating our state of ill health. Other factors which can cause a imbalance in our chakras are stress, poor diet and lack of exercise.

The balance of your chakras can, happily, be restored; although they will get out of balance from time to time, but this can be corrected.

Tools of Chakra Balancing: The most commonly used ways of restoring chakra balance are light, sound, crystals and gems, aromatherapy and color.

Colors: Commonly used colors and their corresponding chakras are red (the root chakra), orange (the sacral chakra), yellow (the solar plexus chakra), green and turquoise (the heart chakra), blue (the throat chakra), violet (the crown chakra) and white for any of the primary chakras.

Crystals and Gems: Gems, crystals and stones have been used in chakra balancing for thousands of years. Each chakra corresponds to a different color, as we now know; so the laying of gems or crystals of the appropriate color on the location of a chakra can help to restore balance. This can help the body properly heal.

Gems and crystals reflect light in their colors; the play of light through these gems can restore balance to the chakras by putting this light into the body at the appropriate points.

Light: Light therapy employs light not only on the eyes, but also on the reflex points and the meridian points of acupuncture to restore chakra balance. The broad spectrum of light is very beneficial here, including both visible and invisible frequencies, including those corresponding to the chakras.

Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy uses essential oils, scented massage oils and scented bath soaps to assist in the restoration of chakra balance and to help the physical body heal. Aromatherapy can also relieve depression and stress, provide relaxation and aid in meditation.

Sound: The use of tuning forks, soft music, quartz crystal, Tibetan bowls, and other objects to generate an agreeable resonance is also utilized to achieve a healthier well-being. Sound has natural vibration and resonance therapeutic effect because it affects us emotionally. Beautiful and melodious sounds can induce serenity and calm whereas chaotic sounds produce dissension and discord. Sound can be used to achieve a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in order to better faster healing and achieve higher levels of consciousness.

It once was that chakra balancing was a lengthy and difficult process. Now, thanks to innovations in audio technology such as subliminal sound, binaural frequencies and self-hypnosis recordings, chakra balancing is a much simpler thing than it was even a few decades ago.

Anne-Marie Laureaut writes for the popular site. To understand how chakra balancing can transform your whole life and how you can get free chakra balancing Audios visit here.

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