Highly Effective Chakra Cleansing Practices

Considering the various environmental, physical and metaphysical influences our chakras are subjected to on a regular basis, it becomes a necessity for us to engage in chakra cleansing. Attaining balance and harmony between the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being requires regular chakra cleansing in order to maintain harmony and continually rebuild our energy systems. The importance of chakra cleansing can not be understated because all phases of our life are interconnected and should work as one for beneficial and energetic living.

Following are some of the conventional chakra cleansing methods man uses for thousands of years:

1. Smudging is an effective method of removing harmful energy obstacles that affect our chakras. White sage is proven to be a highly effective smudging agent.

2. Auric brushing with the hands or the aid of gemstones and crystals is one of the highly effective chakra cleansing technique. Caution must be taken however that the practice should only be performed by a well-practiced individual since there is the possibility of serious damage rather than successful healing due to the inherent powers of the gemstones and crystals employed in the process.

3. A healthy lifestyle, drinking plenty of clean water, tea and fruit juices, plus enough sleep and relaxation are highly recommended in order to maintain strong energy systems.

4. Engaging in regular breathing and physical exercises is to your advantage as it helps maintain the vitality and normal function of our chakras.

5. Relating with nature can have positive effects on your energy systems.

6. The power of colors is one aspect of chakra cleansing that we can employ very successfully. Either by physically painting areas near us or through visualization techniques, color therapy is a boon to our health.

7. Listening to music also heals our energy system. Music is an effective chakra cleansing technique and can be used to activate our chakras, which in turn activate the entire endocrine system.

8. We should not tire of pursuing learning situations. In fact, it is highly recommended to continually pursue learning and intellectual challenges to keep us on our toes and keep our energy points active.

9. Meditation or spending time alone with ourselves for a few minutes daily is enough to let us keep in touch with our thoughts and emotional feelings. Meditation is also a powerful chakra cleansing technique because it makes us conscious of everything that is in our environment.

10. Learn to love yourself. This is important so that you can also learn to love others around you. Feelings of love and appreciation releases chemicals that benefit our body and in the same way, feelings of anger also releases chemicals that affect us negatively.

11. Becoming conscious of our emotions and responsibly expressing them to others is also fundamental to chakra cleansing and maintenance. Repressed thoughts and feelings create energy jams that can seriously affect our health and well being.

12. Being imaginative in our daily activities helps us maintain balance and harmony. Imagination and creativity is not the private realm of the arts as we can utilize it to make our activities more interesting!

13. Coming to terms with our past lives and understanding its significance can provide us a deep awareness of our purpose as a human being.

14. Honesty and truthfulness in all areas of our lives keeps us healthy and gives us vibrant energy. Values anchored on respect, trust, decency, honesty and truthfulness help make us a productive and responsible member of the society.

15. Prayer is also a central element of our health and energy systems. Prayer allows us to communicate with a Higher Being who can help us achieve emotional balance and stability. Prayer helps quiet down our minds to make us receptive to everything around us.

The above are all effective chakra cleansing techniques which we need to incorporate in our lives. Although chakra cleansing takes time, it should be done regularly and continuously for us to reap its benefits and advantages in living a healthy life.

Anne-Marie Laureaut is one of the team of experts who contribute to the popular chakra-balance.com site. Visit here to understand how chakra cleansing can transform your whole life and how you can get free chakra meditation affirmations, hypnosis and binaural sound frequencies recordings.

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